
Možnosti uporabe mezenhimskih matičnih celic pri zdravljenju COVID-19
ID Grohar, Urša (Author), ID Narat, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ogorevc, Jernej (Comentor)

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Nenadna pandemija COVID-19 je zelo vplivala na naše življenje. Znanstveniki in zdravniki povsod po svetu se še vedno trudijo, da bi poleg učinkovitih cepiv poiskali tudi najustreznejše zdravilo za posledice, ki jih povzroča ta bolezen. Kot morebitna rešitev se je pojavila ideja o terapiji z mezenhimskimi matičnimi celicami. Te so zaradi svojih imunomodulatornih, antimikrobnih in regeneracijskih lastnosti postale potencialno zdravilo za bolnike s hujšimi posledicami te bolezni. Prav tako se mezenhimske matične celice že kar nekaj časa uspešno uporabljajo pri zdravljenju vnetij, za imunosupresijo, regeneracijo tkiv in zdravljenje nekaterih prej neozdravljivih bolezni. Ker so posledice bolezni COVID-19 zelo širokega spektra, bi lahko z uporabo mezenhimskih matičnih celic izvajali terapijo na več področjih. Terapijo so že uspešno preizkusili na laboratorijskih živalih, sedaj pa so pričeli tudi s kliničnimi testiranji na ljudeh. Prvi rezultati študij so obetavni, čeprav so znanstveniki naleteli na precej ovir in izzivov, ki jih bo še potrebno rešiti.

Keywords:biotehnologija, imunologija, covid-19, mezenhimske matične celice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Grohar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138148 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:114875651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.07.2022
GROHAR, Urša, 2022, Možnosti uporabe mezenhimskih matičnih celic pri zdravljenju COVID-19 [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : U. Grohar. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Potential uses of mesenchymal stem cells for COVID-19 treatment
The entire course of our lives was suddenly greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Besides trying to make the efficient vaccines, scientists and doctors all over the world, are still struggling to find the most affective cure for the consequences caused by this disease. As a possible solution, the idea of mesenchymal stem cell therapy emerged. Due to their immunomodulatory, antimicrobial and regenerative properties, they have become a potential drug for patients with more severe consequences of a COVID-19 disease. Also, for some time now, mesenchymal stem cells have been used successfully in the treatment of inflammation, for immunosuppression, tissue regeneration and for the treatment of previously incurable diseases. Since the consequences of a COVID-19 are on the wide spectrum, using mesenchymal stem cell therapy could cure many things at the same time. The therapy for COVID-19 consequences has been already tested on laboratory animals. The results were promising, so the researchers are now begining clinical trials on humans. The first results of the studies are promising, although scientists have encountered a number of obstacles and challenges that will need to be addressed.

Keywords:biotechnology, immunology, covid-19, mesenchymal stem cells

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