
Srečno do konca svojih dni - Učenje o smrti in žalovanju v predšolskem obdobju s pomočjo pravljice
ID Černe, Teja (Author), ID Zrim Martinjak, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7280/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo je posvečeno raziskovanju oblikovanja predstave o smrti, procesu žalovanja pri predšolskih otrocih in učenju o tej tematiki, predvsem v sklopu vrtčevske vzgoje. Pri tem je kot metoda za približanje teme predšolskemu otroku in kot metoda pomoči v primeru realne izgube osvetljena pravljica. V teoretičnem delu so najprej opredeljene posebnosti predšolskega obdobja – otrokov emocionalni, socialni in spoznavni razvoj – ter pomen, ki ga ima vrtec za otroka. Skladno z otrokovim razvojem se namreč razvija njegova predstava o smrti, ki vpliva na proces žalovanja v primeru realne izgube. Poleg otrokove predstave o smrti se magistrsko delo osredotoča še na posebnosti procesa žalovanja pri otroku in načine, kako se odrasli lahko z otrokom pogovarjamo, ko vstopamo na to tematsko polje. Izpostavljena in predstavljena sta pravljica in pomen, ki jo ima za otrokovo učenje o pomembnih življenjskih temah. Pravljica je predstavljena kot ustrezna preventivna in kurativna metoda na omenjenem področju, ki jo v okviru svojega dela lahko uporabi tudi socialni pedagog. Magistrsko delo v empiričnem delu raziskuje, ali je tema smrti in žalovanja zastopana v vrtcu in na kakšen način se je (če se je) vzgojiteljice lotijo. Ugotavlja tudi pogostost in način uporabe pravljice, tudi v navezavi na učenje o temi smrti in žalovanja. Magistrsko delo se osredotoča tudi na predloge, ki temeljijo na izkušnjah in bi pomagali oblikovati potencialno ustrezno otroško pravljico s tematiko smrti. Na osnovi teoretičnih spoznanj in rezultatov intervjuja je napisana zgodba z naslovom Manja z zelenimi očmi. Takšna zgodba je poleg drugih usmeritev, pridobljenih v raziskovalnem delu, prispevek k obstoječi, ne tako raznoliki, slovenski literaturi na to temo. Celoten sklop ugotovitev pa je v pomoč pri načrtovanju procesa učenja na temo smrti in žalovanja ali procesa pomoči v primeru realne izgube otroku bližnjega.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138087 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:114676227 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Happily ever after - Preschool learning about death and grief through fairy tales
The master's thesis researches the formation of the concept of death and the grieving process in preschool children, and how this topic is discussed, especially within the context of kindergarten education. It highlights the fairy tale as one method of bringing this topic closer to preschool children and as a method of providing help when experiencing an actual loss. The theoretical section begins by defining the characteristics of the preschool period – the child's emotional, social and cognitive development – and the importance of kindergarten for the child. As the child develops, so does his/her concept of death; the latter influences the child's grieving process when experiencing an actual loss. In addition to the child's concept of death, we also focus on the specifics of the child's grieving process and on the different ways in which adults can discuss this topic with the child. The fairy tale is highlighted and presented, as well as its role in teaching the child about important life topics. The fairy tale is presented as an appropriate preventive and curative method in this regard, which can also be used by social pedagogues in their practice. The empirical section examines whether the topic of death and grief is discussed in kindergarten and in what way (if at all) the preschool teachers go about it. We were also interested in the frequency and uses of the fairy tale, also in connection with learning about death and grief. We focused on suggestions stemming from experience, which would be of help in writing a potentially appropriate children's fairy tale on the topic of death. Based on the theoretical findings and the interview results, a story was written entitled Manja, the Girl with Green Eyes. In addition to all the observations obtained during the research, this story also contributes to the existing, though not that diverse, Slovenian literature on this topic. Whereas all the findings combined will be of help in planning the learning process on the topic of death and grief, or in the process of providing help to a child who has lost someone close to them.


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