
Povezanost telesnih značilnosti s tekmovalno uspešnostjo mladih alpskih smučarjev v hitrih disciplinah : magistrsko delo
ID Kmet, Tjaša (Author), ID Lešnik, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali povezanost telesnih značilnosti in tekmovalne uspešnosti v hitrih disciplinah alpskega smučanja, pri starosti kategoriji U16. Vzorec merjencev je sestavljalo 42 tekmovalcev (23 dečkov in 19 deklic), starih med 15 in 16 let. Vsi so se v sezoni 2018/19 udeležili jesenskih meritev na Fakulteti za Šport, v isti smučarski sezoni pa so v disciplini superveleslalom aktivno nastopali na tekmovanjih za veliko nagrado Nordica Dobermann. Podatki meritev sestave telesa (delež mišične mase, delež maščobne mase, indeks telesne mase in odstotek maščobe v telesu) so bili pridobljeni z merilno napravo Inbody 720 Body Composition Analysis. Spremenljivke telesnih mer (telesna višina, telesna teža, obseg stegna, obseg pasu, obseg prsi in premer ramen) pa smo dobili s pomočjo naprave 3D Body scan. Kriterij tekmovalne uspešnosti merjencev je bilo doseženo število točk v superveleslalomu. Obdelava podatkov vseh zajetih spremenljivk, tako telesnih mer, kot sestave telesa je v prvem koraku temeljila na izračunu osnovnih statističnih parametrov. Za ugotavljanje povezanosti posameznih spremenljiv s tekmovalno uspešnostjo v hitrih disciplinah pa je bila uporabljena metoda Prearsonovih korelacijskih koeficientov. Pri dečkih smo ugotovili statistično značilno povezanost med spremenljivkami telesna teža, obseg stegna, obseg prsi in deležem mišične mase, kar pomeni, da so merjenci z višjimi vrednostmi zajetih spremenljivk, bili tudi višje uvrščeni na tekmah v superveleslalomu. Pri deklicah smo ugotovili statistično značilno povezavo med uspešnostjo na tekmovanjih in spremenljivkami obseg pasu, obseg prsi, delež mišične mase in odstotkom maščobe v telesu. Povezanost celotnega modela smo testirali s pomočjo multiple regresijske analize in ugotovili, da lahko pri dečkih spremenljivke telesne sestave pojasnijo tekmovalno uspešnost v hitrih disciplinah v 73%, pri deklicah pa telesna sestava na uspešnost vpliva 59%.

Keywords:alpsko smučanje, telesne značilnosti, tekmovalna uspešnost, kategorija U16, šport mladih
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138072 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:139443203 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Connection between physical characteristics and competitive performance in speed disciplines od alpine skiing
In the master's thesis, we determined the connection between physical characteristics and competitive performance in fast disciplines of alpine skiing, at the age category U16. The sample consisted of 42 competitors (23 boys and 19 girls) between 15 and 16 years of age. In the 2018/19 season they took part in the autumn measurements at the Faculty of Sport and actively participated in the competition for the Nordica Dobermann Grand Prix in the super-giant slalom. We obtained accurate results of the composition of the competitors’ bodies with the Inbody 720 Body Composition Analysis measuring device. For the purposes of our study, we took the following variables: muscle mass fraction, fat mass fraction, body mass index, and body fat percentage. In order to obtain the remaining necessary data, we also used the 3D Body Scan device, which obtained the following variables of body dimensions: body height, body weight, thigh circumference, waist circumference, chest circumference and shoulder diameter. The criterion for the competitive performance of the subjects was the number of points in the super-giant slalom. The processing of data of all covered variables, both body dimensions and body composition, was based in the first step of the calculation of basic statistical parameters. The method of Prearson correlation coefficients was used to determine the correlation of individual variables with competitive performance in fast disciplines. In the boys’ population, we found a statistically significant association between the variables body weight, thigh circumference, chest circumference and muscle mass fraction, which means that subjects with better results of these measurements are ranked higher in super-giant slalom races. In the girls’ population, we found a statistically significant association between the variables waist circumference, chest circumference, muscle mass shares and body fat percentage, and competition performance. The correlation of the whole model was tested with the help of multiple regression analysis and we found that in the boys’ population the variables of body composition can explain competitive performance in fast disciplines in 73%, and in the girls’ population body composition affects performance in 59%.

Keywords:alpine skiing, physical characteristics, competitive performance, U16 category, youth sport

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