
Versko življenje Sámijev skozi zgodovino : magistrsko delo
ID Primc, Liza (Author), ID Malmenvall, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sámiji so domorodno ljudstvo, ki od nekdaj prebiva na območju arktičnega kroga. Njihovo naselitveno območje se razprostira prek Norveške, Švedske, Finske in ruskega polotoka Kola. Družbena identiteta Sámijev je, tako kot identiteta vsakega domorodnega naroda, povezana z religijo. Sámiji, primarno šamanistično-animistično versko usmerjen narod, so bili skozi stoletja prisiljeni opustiti svojo lastno religijo in prevzeti na novo prihajajoče verstvo: krščanstvo. Prihod krščanstva ni pomenil le spremembe veroizpovedi, temveč je vpliv segal širše ? bil je tako družbeni kot kulturni. Prav zaradi tesne povezanosti med kulturnim, družbenopolitičnim in verskim življenjem Sámijev je namen pričujočega magistrskega dela sintetično predstaviti versko življenje Sámijev skozi posamezna zgodovinska obdobja (obdobje do 15. stoletja, obdobje od 16. do 19. stoletja ter obdobje 20. in 21. stoletja) ter hkrati ovrednotiti družbenopolitični in kulturni vpliv krščanstva na identiteto Sámijev. Prek obravnavanih zgodovinsko-verskih sprememb na eni strani spoznamo potek sprejemanja krščanstva in njegov pozitivno-negativni asimilacijski vpliv ter na drugi strani pravico do ohranjanja tradicionalne kulture med Sámiji nekoč in danes.

Keywords:Sámiji, verska praksa, misijonska dejavnost, krščanstvo, asimilacijski procesi, zgodovinski pregled
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Primc]
Number of pages:XII, 162 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138055 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:115618307 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The religious life of the Sámi people through history
The Sámi people are indigenous people who have lived in the Arctic Circle from time immemorial. Their habitat extends across Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Russian peninsula of Kola. The social identity of the Sámi, like that of any indigenous people, is linked to religion. The Sámi, primarily a shamanistic-animistic religiously oriented people, have been forced over the centuries to abandon their own religion and adopt a newly emerging religion: Christianity. The arrival of Christianity did not only mean a change of religion, but the impact was broader ‒ it was both, social and cultural. Due to the close connection between the cultural, socio-political and religious life of the Sámi, this master thesis aims to synthetically present the religious life of the Sámi through the different historical periods (the period up to the 15th century, the period from the 16th to the 19th century, and the 20th and 21st century), and at the same time evaluate the socio-political and cultural impact of Christianity on the identity of the Sámi. Through the historical and religious changes discussed in the thesis, we learn about the course of acceptance of Christianity and its positive and negative assimilation impact, and on the other hand the right to preserve traditional culture among the Sámi in the past and today.

Keywords:the Sámi people, religious practice, missionary activity, Christianity, assimilation processes, historical overview

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