
Strategije spoprijemanja s stresom pri medicinskih sestrah v času epidemije COVID-19 : diplomsko delo
ID Crnov, Nikolina (Author), ID Kavčič, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Thaler, Darja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Epidemija COVID-19 je močno zaznamovala življenja ljudi po vsem svetu, saj je respiratorni virus zahteval mnogo žrtev. Izkazalo se je, da ima velik vpliv tako na celotno družbo kot na vsakega posameznika. V tej krizi imajo še posebej medicinske sestre ključno vlogo pri pomoči zapletenim primerom, ki zahtevajo hospitalizacijo ranljivih skupin. Le-te imajo pogosto že obstoječe zdravstvene težave, zaplete in posledično večjo možnost smrtnosti. Uporaba učinkovitih strategij spoprijemanja pomaga medicinskim sestram pri upravljanju stresnih dogodkov in zmanjša negativna čustva. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti strategije spoprijemanja s stresom pri medicinskih sestrah v času epidemije COVID-19 ter preučiti, katere strategije so se izkazale za bolj učinkovite. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela. Izbor literature za analizo je potekal po metodologiji PRIZMA. Do literature smo dostopali s pomočjo mrežnika z oddaljenim dostopom. Narejen je bil pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature, ki je bila iskana v podatkovnih bazah PubMed, CINAHL, ScienceDirect, PsycInfo ter spletnem portalu DiKUL, naknadno pa še v brskalniku Google Scholar. Pregledali smo domačo in tujo literaturo s ključnimi besedami v angleščini: coping strategies AND stress AND nurses AND COVID-19 AND effectiveness of coping strategies OR mental health, ter v slovenščini: strategije spoprijemanja IN stres IN medicinske sestre IN učinkovitost strategij za spoprijemanje s stresom ALI duševno zdravje. Vključili smo članke, ki so v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku, ki so pregledni in/ali izvirni članki. Upoštevali smo časovni okvir objave od leta 2019 dalje. V analizo smo vključili sedem enot literature. Rezultati: COVID-19 nedvomno vpliva na telesno in duševno zdravje tako medicinskih sester kot splošne populacije. Zdravstveni delavci se razlikujejo po svoji dovzetnosti za stiske, ki jih povzroča COVID-19. V pregled literature smo zajeli študije, ki so potekale v različnih državah, in ugotovili, da so vse odkrile porast stresa, anksioznosti, izgorelosti in depresije pri medicinskih sestrah v času epidemije. Telesna dejavnost, uporaba mobilnih aplikacij za samopomoč, aktivno spoprijemanje in načrtovanje so bile pri medicinskih sestrah največkrat uporabljene funkcionalne strategije spoprijemanja s stresom v času epidemije. V manjšem številu analiziranih študij se je kot nefunkcionalna strategija spoprijemanja izkazala uporaba alkohola. Razprava in zaključek: Da bi se medicinske sestre učinkovito spopadale s stresom in spoprijemanjem, povezanim s stresom v času COVID-19, so ustrezne tehnike spoprijemanja ključne za njihovo duševno in fizično zdravje. Psihološke posledice epidemije so glede na pregled večinoma prisotne, pri tem ne izostaja niti Slovenija, čeprav nismo našli obsežnejših študij na to temo.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, duševno zdravje, psihosocialni odzivi, epidemija, posledice epidemije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Crnov]
Number of pages:35 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137998 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:114838275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2022
CRNOV, Nikolina, 2022, Strategije spoprijemanja s stresom pri medicinskih sestrah v času epidemije COVID-19 : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : N. Crnov. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Coping strategies in nurses during the COVID-19 epidemic : diploma work
Introduction: The COVID-19 epidemic has strongly affected the lives of people around the world, as the respiratory virus has claimed many victims. It has proven to have a huge impact on society as well as on individual people. In this crisis, nurses have a key role to play in helping complex cases that require the hospitalization of vulnerable groups, who often have pre-existing health problems, complications and, consequently, a higher risk of mortality. Using effective coping strategies helps nurses manage stressful events and reduces negative emotions. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present strategies for coping with stress in nurses during the COVID-19 epidemic and to examine which strategies have proven to be more effective. Methods of work: The descriptive method of work was used in the diploma thesis. The selection of literature for analysis was carried out using the PRIZMA methodology. A review of professional and scientific literature was conducted. The literature was searched in the databases PubMed, CINAHL, ScienceDirect, PsycInfo, and the web portal DiKUL, and subsequently in the browser Google Scholar. We reviewed domestic and foreign literature with key words in English: coping strategies AND stress AND nurses AND COVID-19 AND effectiveness of coping strategies OR mental health. We have included review and / or original articles in Slovene or English. We have considered the time frame of the publication from 2019 onwards. Results: COVID-19 undoubtedly affects the physical and mental health of both nurses and the general population. Healthcare professionals differ in their susceptibility to the hardships caused by COVID-19. A review of the literature included seven studies conducted in different countries, all showing an increase in stress, anxiety, burnout, and depression in nurses. Physical activity, the use of mobile self-help apps, active coping, and planning were the most used effective coping strategies by the nurses during the epidemic. In a small number of analysed studies alcohol use has proven to be an ineffective coping strategy. Discussion and Conclusion: For nurses to deal effectively with stress and stress-related factors during the COVID-19 epidemic, appropriate coping strategies are crucial for their mental and physical health. According to the review, the epidemic has psychological consequences, which holds true also in Slovenia, although we have not found extensive Slovene studies on this topic.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, mental health, psychosocial responses, epidemic, consequences of epidemic

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