
Vključevanje slovenskih tradicionalnih jedi v vrtčevsko prehrano otrok
ID Trelec, Eva (Author), ID Kostanjevec, Stojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Erjavšek, Martina (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7260/ This link opens in a new window

Tradicionalna slovenska hrana je v današnjem svetu pogosto pozabljena. Starši in tudi vzgojno izobraževalne ustanove je ne ponudijo, zato otroci tradicionalnih jedi ne poznajo in jih ne uživajo radi. V nekaterih vrtcih še spoznavajo hrano gastronomskih regij Slovenije, vendar so odzivi otrok pogosto negativni, ker se s takšno hrano srečajo prvič oziroma jim ni predstavljena na način, ki bi jih prepričal za njeno okušanje in uživanje. Prehranska neofobija se kaže v tem, da otrok zaradi videza in drugih senzoričnih lastnosti ne želi poskusiti nove hrane. Po tem, ko hrano poskusi, je prehranska neofobija premagana in nastopi izbirčnost, če kljub večkratni ponovitvi otrok zavrača hrano. Pri tem so pomembni starši in strokovni delavci, da otroka spodbujajo, so vztrajni, so otroku zgled in imajo argumente, zakaj želijo, da hrano poje. Med argumenti so pestrost živil, prenašanje tradicionalnih jedi iz roda v rod in širjenje prepoznavnosti slovenske kulinarike, saj je zelo pomembno ohranjati zaščitene jedi, ki so deljene v tri kategorije: z zaščiteno geografsko označbo, z zaščiteno označbo poreklo in z zajamčeno tradicionalno posebnostjo. V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na poznavanje tradicionalnih slovenskih jedi, katere jedi so pri otrocih bolj priljubljene in ali dejavnosti pred uživanjem jedi ter ocenjevanje jedi po obroku motivirajo otroke za uživanje teh jedi. V raziskavo smo vključili 80 vrtčevskih otrok, starih od štiri do šest let, in štiri vzgojitelje. Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo kvalitativnega in kvantitativnega raziskovanja, vzorec je bil neslučajnostni – namenski. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da dejavnosti pred uživanjem jedi, ocenjevanje po uživanju jedi in samostojna priprava jedi v skupini vplivajo na boljše poznavanje in uživanje slovenskih tradicionalnih jedi pri otrocih. Izmed vseh slovenskih tradicionalnih jedi, ki so jih otroci okušali v obdobju šestih mesecev, so v skupini pripravili jed, ki je v tem času v skupini dosegla najnižjo oceno. Izkazalo se je, da je ocena iste jedi bistveno višja, ko otroci sodelujejo pri njeni pripravi, saj spoznajo sestavine, ki so v jedi, kar ima pomembno vlogo pri motiviranju otrok za okušanje novih in nepoznanih jedi. Na osnovi rezultatov svetujemo, da se otrokom jed predstavi (poimenuje sestavine, pove ime jedi, zakaj je jed drugačna in od kod prihaja), saj jo tako otroci lažje poskusijo, ker so jim sestavine znane in ker so jih že poskusili. Prav tako je pomembno, da otrokom ponudimo možnost sodelovanja pri pripravi jedi. Tako bo otrok sam videl sestavine, jih dodal in pripravil jed.

Keywords:tradicionalne slovenske jedi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137971 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:113990659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Incorporating traditional Slovenian dishes into children's kindergarten meals
In today's world traditional Slovenian food is often forgotten. Because parents and educational institutions do not offer such food, children don't know it and don't enjoy eating it. In some kindergartens children get to experience dishes from different gastronomical regions of Slovenia. But their reactions are often negative, because it's their first time trying it, or because the food isn't introduced in a way that would encourage the children to try it. Food neophobia shows that child doesn't want to taste new foods because of appearance and other sensory properties. After they try the food, the nutritional neophobia is defeated and alog comes pickiness, if the child still rejects the same food after giving it a try multiple times. Parents and kindergarten teachers have a crucial role in encouraging children, they have to be persistent, a good example, and have arguments as to why the child should eat their food. Important arguments are: food diversity, carrying traditional foods from generation to generation and recognising Slovenian culinary, because it is important to preserve protected dishes that are devided in three categories: protected geographical indication, designation of origin and guaranteed traditional speciality. In this thesis we reasherched what factors contribute to the knowledge of traditional Slovenian dishes, which dishes are the most popular among children, and if pre-meal activities and evaluating food after a meal can motivate children to eat thode foods. In research 80 kindergarden children age 4 to 6 and 4 teachers were included. We used descriptive method of qualitative and quantitative reasearch.The reasearch concluded that the activities before eating, evalvating food after eating, making food in the kindergarten group, all affects the better knowledge and consumption of traditional slovenian foods. Out of all slovenian traditional disches which were tasted by children during a period of 6 months, the dish with the lowest score was prepared in the group. It turned out that the score of dish is much higher when children are included in the making of the dish, because they are getting to know the ingredients, which has important role in motivating children to taste new and unknow dishes. Based on the results, we advise that the children are introduced to differents foods(names the ingredients, tells the name of the dish, why the dish is different and where it comes from). That makes it easier for them to try it, because they know the ingredients and because they have already tried them. It is also important that the children get the chance to help with preparing the food. That way the child will see the ingredients, add them and prepare the dish.

Keywords:traditional Slovenian dishes

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