
Pomen metode igre pri usvajanju finomotoričnih gibanj
ID Zajc, Tjaša (Author), ID Gregorc, Jera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7257/ This link opens in a new window

Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri se razlikujejo usvojena finomotorična in grobomotorična gibanja, ki jih poučujemo preko dveh različnih metod dela, in sicer poligona in metodi igre. V ta namen smo naredili pedagoški eksperiment, v katerega smo vključili 20 otrok, ki obiskujejo Viške vrtce, enota Hiša pri ladji. Vključili smo enako število deklic in dečkov, iz vsake skupine po 10 otrok, starih 4–5 let. Ena skupina je predstavljala kontrolno skupino, druga pa eksperimentalno. Najprej smo vse otroke testirali s testom za fino ter grobo motoriko. S pomočjo ocenjevanja skokov in plazenja smo ocenili stopnjo grobe motorike, s testom ponavljanja vzorcev in pikalom pa smo ocenili stopnjo fine motorike. Vsak otrok je lahko prejel od 1–3 točke. 1 točka pomeni najnižjo, 3 točke pa najvišjo oceno. Pri ponavljajočih vzorcih je test ocenjen od 1–10 točk. Zatem smo sestavili 6–tedenski pripravi za izvajanje metode igre ter metode poligona. Z eksperimentalno skupino smo izvajali metodo igre, s kontrolno pa smo metodo poligona. Izvajanje metode poligona smo izvajali enkrat tedensko ob sredah ob 11. uri, pri izvajanju metode igre smo se vsak teden sproti dogovarjali za termin nastopa. Po končanem šest tedenskem izvajanju smo izvedli končno testiranje tako za kontrolno kot eksperimentalno skupino z enakima testoma za grobo ter fino motoriko. Ugotavljali smo, kako sta se skupini razlikovali na začetku in na koncu. S pomočjo primerjave rezultatov in primerjave povprečnih vrednosti smo ugotavljali napredek posameznega otroka in celotne skupine, nismo pa primerjali stanja med eno in drugo skupino. Podatke smo vnesli v program Microsoft Excel. Analiza je pokazala, da so otroci iz eksperimentalne skupine v povprečju prikazali večji napredek kot otroci kontrolne skupine. Ugotovili smo, da so otroci, ki so izvajali metodo igre dosegli boljši napredek pri finomotoričnih gibanjih.

Keywords:predšolski otrok
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137968 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:113955331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Importance of the play method in the acquisition of finomotor skills
The purpose of this degree paper is to determine and compare to what extent does the execution of the game or track method affect the acquisition of fine motor and gross motor skills in preschool children. First, we presented the theoretical basis that helped us to extract the research problem. The research included 20 children attending Vič kindergartens, Hiša pri ladji unit. We included the same amounf of boys and girls, 10 from each group aged between 4 and 5 years. One group represented the control group and the other the experimental group. First, we tested the children for fine motor and gross motor skills. The level of gross motor skills were evaluated with children jumping and crawling, while the level of fine motor skills were evaluated by sample repetition tests and by sticking a needle through a specific point on a paper. Each child could receive 1-3 points. 1 meaning the lowest and 3 points the highest grade. Sample repetition tests could get the children 1-10 points. Then, we put together a 6-week preparation to execute the game and track method. We carried out the game method with the experimental group and the track method with the control group. The execution of the track method took place weekly, Wednesdays at 11 a.m. As for the game method we discussed on the date of the performance every week. After the six weeks program we carried out one final testing for both the control and experimental group with the same teste for gross motor and fine motor skills. Then we determined how the two groups differed at the beginning and at the end and the progress of each indvidual child rather than the state between each of the group. We entered the data into Microsoft Excel. The analysis showed greater progress from children in the experimental group. We found out that the use of the game method affects the development of fine motor and gross motor skills.


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