
Matematična slikanica o merjenju didaktični pripomoček v 1. razredu
ID Novak, Anja (Author), ID Manfreda Kolar, Vida (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Podobnik, Uršula (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7249/ This link opens in a new window

Slikanice so velik del otroštva vsakega učenca. Preko slikanice se bralec oziroma poslušalec preseli v domišljijski svet. V njej se prepletata besedilo in ilustracije. Vsaka komponenta ima svoje sporočilo, hkrati pa tudi druga drugo dopolnjujeta in razkrivata nove stvari. Otroci se ob poslušanju zgodbe in opazovanju ilustracij tudi marsikaj naučijo. Tu pa stopijo v ospredje didaktične slikanice. Matematične slikanice so tiste slikanice, preko katerih učenci spoznajo, usvojijo in ponotranjijo matematične koncepte in ideje. Matematične slikanice učencem omogočijo, da uporabijo svoje predznanje in na njem gradijo, matematično vsebino pa jim predstavijo na njim smiseln način. V magistrskem delu smo najprej opredelili pouk matematike in predstavili njegova načela. V nadaljevanju smo podrobneje predstavili vsebinske sklope, na katere se navezuje empirični del. Med vsebinami iz učnega načrta je to sklop merjenja. Opredelili smo njegov razvoj pri otroku ter cilje in vsebine v 1. triletju osnovne šole. Povzeli smo tudi didaktična priporočila za poučevanje merjenja v 1. triletju. Pri poučevanju matematike se učitelji poslužujejo veliko različnih didaktičnih pripomočkov, ki služijo kot ponazoritev abstraktnih matematičnih pojmov in postopkov, sočasno pa vplivajo na aktivnost učencev in njihovo motivacijo za delo. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili pojem motivacija in opredelili njeno pomembnost pri pouku. Predstavili smo tudi kontekstualno znanje, ki prispeva k boljšemu razumevanju matematičnih vsebin. V nadaljevanju smo opisali slikanice na splošno, predstavili njihovo delitev, sestavne dele (besedilo in ilustracije) ter interakcijo med besedilom in ilustracijami, ki je njihova značilnost. Posebno pozornost smo namenili matematičnim slikanicam. Predstavili smo razloge za njihovo rabo pri pouku in prikazali ugotovitve novejših raziskav. Predstavili smo tudi nekaj matematičnih slikanic o merjenju. Glavni cilj empiričnega dela je bil oblikovati matematično slikanico o merjenju z naslovom Bratje škratje. Besedilo je avtorsko delo, ilustracije pa smo oblikovali s pomočjo računalniškega programa Canva. Nato smo v dveh oddelkih 1. razreda opazovali 3 ure obravnave vseh treh količin merjenja (dolžina, masa in prostornina). En oddelek je bil kontrolna skupina, drugi pa eksperimentalna. Sledila je ura utrjevanja in ura preverjanja znanja, ki sta se razlikovali glede na skupino. Zanimalo nas je, ali matematična slikanica Bratje škratje privede do boljšega znanja in motivacije učencev ter, kako naloge, vezane na vsebino matematične slikanice, vplivajo na znanje. Ugotovili smo, da je raba matematične slikanice Bratje škratje privedla do boljših rezultatov na preverjanju znanja kot pa obravnava učne vsebine merjenja na klasičen način. Matematična slikanica je na učence vplivala motivacijsko. Vsebinsko pa slikanica ni vplivala na boljše znanje učencev. Ugotavljamo, da kontekst nalog ne pripomore k boljšemu reševanju, če sam koncept ni prezahteven in so ga učenci že usvojili. Rezultati raziskave nudijo učiteljem razrednega pouka vpogled v prednosti vključevanja matematičnih slikanic v pouk in jih spodbujajo, naj večkrat uporabijo matematične slikanice kot didaktične pripomočke pri razvijanju matematičnih konceptov in pojmov. Matematične slikanice služijo tudi za popestritev pouka, utrjevanje učne snovi ter krepitev pozitivnega odnosa učencev do predmeta matematike.

Keywords:matematična slikanica
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137931 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:113831683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Mathematical picture book on measurement as a didactic tool in grade 1
Picture books are a big part of every child's childhood. When being read to a child goes into the world of imagination. A picture book is based on the combination of visual and verbal communication. Text and illustrations intertwine, each carrying its own meaning but at the same time they support and complement one another. While listening to a story and looking at the illustrations, children learn and internalise the meaning. Mathematical picture books are those who lead students to discover, acquire and internalise mathematical concepts and ideas. Mathematical picture books allow students to use their pre-existing knowledge and build upon it. Furthermore, they present mathematics in a way that is logical to the children. In this Master's thesis, we defined maths as a subject and covered the principles of maths lessons. We presented in more detail the substantive strands to which the empirical part is linked. Among the curriculum content, this is the measurement strand. We focused on the set of measurement, development of measurement concepts and the aims and contents of measurement in the first three years of schooling. When teaching math, teachers use various didactic aids so as to illustrate abstract mathematical concepts and procedures, while at the same time influencing students' activity and motivation to work. In the theoretical part, we introduced the concept of motivation and defined its importance in teaching. We introduced context-based knowledge, which contributes to a better understanding of mathematical concepts. In the following, we described picture books in general, presented their definition, division and the interaction between text and illustration. We have paid special attention to mathematical picture books. We presented reasons for their usage in the classroom and summarised findings of newer research studies. Finally, we presented some picture books about measurement. The main aim of the empirical part was to make a mathematical picture book about measurement. The title was »Bratje škratje«. The illustrations were made with the help of a programme called Canva, while the text is our own work. When the storybook was completed, we observed 3 lessons about all three measuring concepts (length, mass, capacity) in each of the 1st Grade classes. One class was the control group, while the other was the experimental group. A revision and assessment lessons followed which were different within groups. We were interested in whether the usage of mathematical picture book “Bratje Škratje” led to better knowledge and motivation of students and how context-based problems affected knowledge. Our findings showed that using the mathematical picture book “Brate Škratje” leads to better knowledge and better results on the assessment sheet than teaching measurement in the traditional way. Mathematical picture book had a motivating effect on the students. The context itself, however, provided no additional support to the students' understanding of the problems as the mathematical concepts were familiar to them and presented no obstacle. The results of the research provide early elementary teachers with benefits of using mathematical picture books in lessons and encourage teachers to use them more often as a tool to develop mathematical concepts. Mathematical storybooks make lessons more interesting for the students and provide a way to reinforce the students' positive attitude towards maths.

Keywords:mathematical picture book

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