
Prisotnost psa na delovnem mestu: Potencialni zmanjševalec stresa lastnikov in sodelavcev? : Potencialni zmanjševalec stresa lastnikov in sodelavcev?
ID Štular, Zala (Author), ID Kohont, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu z naslovom »Prisotnost psa na delovnem mestu: Potencialni zmanjševalec stresa lastnikov in sodelavcev?« sem se osredotočila za obravnavo trenutno aktualne teme, ko vse več podjetij zaposlenim nudi možnost, da pripeljejo v službo tudi psa. Omenjena tematika oziroma delovanje podjetij in njihove odločitve pri takšni politiki slonijo na predpostavki, da prisotnost psa na delovnem mestu zvišuje zadovoljstvo in znižuje stres na delovnem mestu. Posledično je bil glavni fokus moje raziskave ugotoviti ali pes resnično pozitivno vpliva na zadovoljstvo in raven stresa zaposlenih ter na kakšen način. Raziskava je aktualna in v današnjem času relevantna, saj podjetja menijo, da je dober delavec zadovoljen delavec in se vse več sredstev in analiz osredotoča na to, kako najbolj ugoditi zaposlenim na delovnem mestu. Poleg tega pa se aktualne študije in raziskave osredotočajo tudi na vpletenost zaposlenega v delovanje podjetja in njegov prispevek k doseganju ciljev podjetja. Relacija med uspešnostjo podjetja in zadovoljstvom delavca je torej ključnega pomena. V empiričnem delu sem na podlagi intervjujev predstavnikov podjetij in spletne ankete med zaposlenimi v podjetjih prišla do ugotovitve, da so pogledi tako vodij kot zaposlenih podobni. Oboji povezujejo prisotnost psa na delovnem mestu z boljšim počutjem ter bolj bogatimi in kakovostnimi socialnimi interakcijami. Z vidika vpliva psa na zmanjšanje stresa na delovnem mestu si predstavniki podjetij niso enotni, kljub temu pa je na podlagi rezultatov spletne ankete mogoče trditi, da zaposleni dojemajo psa kot zmanjševalca stresa na delovnem mestu.

Keywords:pes na delovnem mestu, zaposleni, zadovoljstvo, stres.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Z. Štular]
Number of pages:87 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137920 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:115517699 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Dogs at the workplace: Potential stress relief for owners and co-workers? : magistrsko delo
In my thesis named: »Dogs at the workplace: Potential stress relief for owners and co-workers?« I focused on the current popular topic, where more and more companies are choosing to give employees the option to bring their dog to work. This topic or rather the actions of companies and their decisions in such policy is based on assumption that having a dog in the workplace increases satisfaction and reduces stress in the workplace. Consequently, the main focus of my research was to find out whether and to what extent does a dog really have positive impact on satisfaction and stress level of workers. The research is relevant today as companies consider that a good worker is a happy worker, which means that more and more resources and analysis are focusing on how to best please workers. In addition, current studies and research are also focusing on the involvement of employees in the company's activities and aims to make the company more and more successful. The relation between company's performance and employee satisfaction is therefore crucial. Both company representatives and employees consider dogs beneficial to employee well-being and improved social interactions. Considering dogs as potential stress reducer the employees and company representatives are not united, however considering results obtained from web survey it can be said that employees in general do consider dog being beneficial to reducing stress in the workplace.

Keywords:dog at the workplace, worker, satisfaction, stress.

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