
Prikaz izdelave totalne proteze s stereolitografijo : diplomsko delo
ID Škrabanja, Tajda (Author), ID Bohinc, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rojko, Franc (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Popolna brezzobost je oblika invalidnosti, ki zahteva protetično rehabilitacijo in se zelo pogosto pojavlja pri starejši populaciji. Povezana je z motnjami vedenja, govora in videza. Nadomestek, ki ga izdelamo, se imenuje totalna proteza ter nadomešča manjkajoče zobe in tkiva. V današnjem času so se pojavile nove digitalne tehnologije, ki omogočajo izdelavo totalnih protez z računalniško tehnologijo. S tem se zmanjšata število obiskov pacienta v ordinaciji in dolgotrajnost laboratorijskih postopkov. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opisati in razložiti sodobne tehnologije, ki se uporabljajo pri izdelavi totalne proteze, predvsem aditivne tehnologije. Metode dela: Teoretični del diplomskega dela temelji na deskriptivni metodi. Pregledali smo strokovno literaturo (spletne članke in revije). Praktični del smo izvedli v laboratoriju pod nadzorom mentorja. V posebnem programu smo oblikovali totalno protezo, ki jo je nato 3D-tiskalnik natisnil iz svetlobno občutljivega polimernega materiala. Rezultati: V rezultatih predstavljamo postopek izdelave totalne proteze. Totalno protezo smo oblikovali na računalniku v programu CAD 3Shape in jo nato iz svetlobno občutljivega polimera izdelali s stereolitografijo. V diplomskem delu je predstavljen celoten postopek izdelave izdelka, podprt s slikovnim gradivom. Razprava in zaključek: Vključitev tehnologije CAD/CAM v oblikovanje in izdelavo totalnih protez je prihodnost. Pomaga poenostaviti laboratorijsko delo in zmanjša število obiskov pacienta v ordinaciji. Postopek klasične izdelave totalne proteze se ni spremenil skoraj 100 let, trenutno pa so bile izvedene številne študije uporabe sistemov CAD/CAM, kar nam potrjuje možnost uporabe digitalnih tehnologij v prihodnosti. Priljubljenost digitalnih tehnologij je vse večja, proteze, izdelane po tem postopku, pa imajo prednosti za paciente, zobozdravnike in laboratorijske zobne protetike.

Keywords:diplomska dela, laboratorijska zobna protetika, CAD/CAM, aditivne tehnologije, stereolitografija, totalne proteze
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Škrabanja]
Number of pages:36 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137849 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:114026755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.07.2022
ŠKRABANJA, Tajda, 2022, Prikaz izdelave totalne proteze s stereolitografijo : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : T. Škrabanja. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Demonstration of manufacturing complete denture with stereolithography : diploma work
Introduction: Complete edentulousness is a form of disability that urgently needs prosthetic rehabilitation and occurs very often in the elderly population. It is associated with behavioral, speech, and appearance disorders. The replacement we make it called a complete denture and replaces the missing teeth and tissues. Nowadays, new digital technologies have appeared that make it possible to make total dentures using a computer. This reduces the number of patient visits and lengthy laboratory procedures. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to describe and explain modern technologies used in the manufacture of total dentures. We will focus on additive technologies. Methods: The theoretical part of the diploma work is based on the descriptive method. Professional literature (online articles and magazines) is reviewed. The practical part is carried out in the laboratory under the supervision of a mentor. In a special program, a total prosthesis is formed, which is then printed from a light-sensitive polymer material with the help of a 3D printer. Results: In the results, we present the process of making a complete denture. The entire prosthesis was designed on a computer in the CAD 3 shape program and then made it of photo-stressed polymer with SLA. In the diploma work is presented the entire process of making products, supported by pictorial material. Discussion and conclusion: The inclusion of CAD / CAM technology in the design and shaping of total dentures is the future. It helps to simplify laboratory work and reduce the number of patient visits in the dental practice. The process of classic denture prosthesis manufacturing has not changed for almost 100 years, and currently studies of the use of CAD / CAM systems have been carried out, which allows us to use digital technologies in the future. The popularity of digital technologies is growing, complete denture, made by this procedure, has benefits for patients, dentists and laboratory dental tehnicial.

Keywords:diploma theses, laboratory dental prosthetics, CAD / CAM, additive technologies, stereolithography, complete dentures

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