
Predlog ureditve zdraviliškega kompleksa na območju termalnega izvira Kopačnica
ID Pucihar, Lucija (Author), ID Gazvoda, Davorin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava območje nahajališča žveplene termalne vode v dolini Kopačnica. Voda z vsebnostjo žveplenih soli zdravilno deluje pri zdravljenju kožnih bolezni. Občina Gorenja vas - Poljane želi obravnavano območje razvijati v turistično destinacijo. Magistrsko delo glede na lastnosti termalne vode predlaga ureditev manjšega sonaravnega zdravilišča. Različni načini zdravljenja, predstavljeni v magistrskem delu so vključeni v zunanjo prostorsko ureditev kompleksa Kopačnica, pri čemer se zdravliški program v veliki meri odvija v odprtem prostoru. Pri umestitvi nove dejavnosti so upoštevana načela vzdržnega načrtovanja. Ker so odpadne vode v zdraviliščih pereč problem, magistrsko delo predlaga učinkovito rešitev ponovne uporabe vode. V namen učinkovite izrabe energentov je izdelan načrt energetske učinkovitosti. Predlagan koncept nove ureditve vključuje prostorske rešitve za obstoječo problematiko degradiranih točk, ki jih magistrsko delo prepozna kot problematične preko opravljenih prostorskih analiz - degradiranega kamnoloma, opuščene kmetije in testnega bazena. Zanje so predvideni tehnični ukrepi, podprti z izbiro rastlinskega gradiva. Zaradi izbranih avtohtonih in tradicionalnih vrst, prilagajanja topografiji in umaknjenimi novimi objekti se celotna podoba zdravilišča sklada z okolico. Z različnimi vlogami, ki jih opravlja vegetacija, se hkrati sanira degradirana območja, gradi prostor ter uporabi njihovo zdraviliško funkcijo za zdravljenje kožnih bolezni. Rezultat dela je predlog ureditve zdraviliškega kompleksa, ki v skladu z načeli vzdržnega ravnanja s prostorom ponuja raznolike terapevtske aktivnosti za zdravljenje kožnih bolezni, bivanje v nastanitvenih enotah in pester spremljevalni program, ki spodbuja aktivno vključenost uporabnikov v zdraviliško zdravljenje, kot ga nudi naravno gradivo.

Keywords:krajinsko oblikovanje, zdravilišče, zdravilne rastline, kožne bolezni, vzdržno načrtovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Pucihar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137817 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:114203651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Proposal for health complex landscape design on thermal spring Kopačnica
The master’s thesis is about health resort in the Kopačnica valley, the area of the sulfur thermal water deposit. Sulfur containing water has a healing effect, especially for the treatment of skin diseases. The municipality of Gorenja vas - Poljane wants to develop the mentioned area into tourist destination. Master’s thesis proposes arrangement of a small sustainable health resort, according to the properties of thermal water. The various methods of spa treatment, presented in the master’s thesis, are included in the external spatial arrangement of the Kopačnica complex, with the program largely taking place in the open. The principles of sustainable planning are taken into account. As wastewater is a burning issue of health resorts, this master’s thesis focuses on the appropriate solution. An energy efficiency plan has been prepared for the purpose of efficient use of energy sources. The proposed concept of the new arrangement includes spatial solutions to the existing problems of degraded points, which the master’s thesis identifies as problematic through spatial analyzes - degraded quarry, abandoned farm and test pool. For degraded points technical solutions are provided, supported by the selection of plant material. Due to the selection of autochthonous and traditional species, the adaptation to the topography and the withdrawal of new facilities, the overall image of the health resort is in harmony with the surroundings. The various roles played by vegetation simultaneously rehabilitate degraded areas, build space and use their spa function to treat skin diseases. The result is a proposal for the arrangement of the health resort complex, which in accordance with the principles of sustainable management, offers a variety of therapeutic activities for the treatment of skin diseases, accommodation and an accompanying program, which promotes active involvement of users in spa treatment.

Keywords:landscape architecture, health resort, medicinal plants, skin diseases, sustainable design

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