
Mnenje učiteljev in slepih učencev predmetne stopnje o vplivu predmeta likovna umetnost na razumevanje posebnosti prostorskih zakonitosti
ID Rudolf, Tanja (Author), ID Potočnik, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7243/ This link opens in a new window

Predmet likovna umetnost se v okviru šolskih dejavnostih slepih učencev mnogokrat obravnava kot tisti del vsebin, ki je namenjen zgolj zabavi in sprostitvi ter ob odsotnosti vida, njegovo izvajanje nima pomena. Učenje je za slepe sicer zahtevnejše in bolj zamudno, saj si v nasprotju z videčimi otroki, ki za razumevanje prostora potrebujejo predvsem izkušnje, ki potekajo po vidni poti, pomagajo s tipom in ostalimi čutili. Zato jim lahko vsakršna izkušnja, tudi iz drugih predmetnih področij pomaga pri razumevanju posebnosti predmeta likovna umetnost, še posebej na področju prostorskih zakonitosti. Predvidevali smo, da je lahko kvalitetna medpredmetna povezava različnih šolskih predmetov dobra podpora za razumevanje posebnosti na področju prostorskega oblikovanja in posredno orientacije v prostoru. Za raziskavo s področja razumevanja prostorskih zakonitosti v okviru pouka likovne umetnosti smo se odločili, ker smo želeli preveriti mnenje slepih učencev in njihovih učiteljev do obravnave teh vsebin, o možnih podpornih prilagoditvah in medpredmetnem povezovanju z drugimi šolskimi predmeti. Izvedli smo strukturirane intervjuje s slepimi učenci predmetne stopnje vzgoje in izobraževanja, njihovimi učitelji likovne umetnosti, učitelji geografije, učitelji matematike ter specialnimi in rehabilitacijskimi pedagogi, ki izvajajo vaje s področja orientacije in mobilnosti. Sodelujoči v raziskavi, šestnajst učiteljev, dva spremljevalca in štirje učenci, so predstavili mnenje, skupaj pa podali odgovore o vplivu predmeta likovna umetnost na razumevanje posebnosti prostorskih zakonitosti. Vpliv pouka likovne umetnosti na vsakodnevno delovanje je na področju slepih še neraziskan, zato je vsakršen prispevek, ne glede na širino raziskave in rezultate, dobrodošel doprinos k diskusiji in nadaljnjem razvoju.

Keywords:pouk likovne umetnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137791 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:113271299 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Opinions of teachers and blind students of the influence of the fine arts subject on their understanding of the specifics of spatial characteristics
Within the school activities of blind students, the subject of fine arts is often considered as that part of the content, which is intended only for entertainment and relaxation, and in the absence of sight, its implementation has no meaning. Learning is otherwise more demanding and more time-consuming for the blind, because in contrast to sighted children, who need experience that takes place in a visible way, they help themselves with the type and other senses in order to understand the space. Therefore, any experience, even from other subject areas, can help them understand the specifics of the subject of fine arts, especially in the field of spatial laws. We anticipated that a quality interdisciplinary connection of various school subjects can be a good support for understanding the specifics in the field of spatial design and indirectly spatial orientation. We decided to conduct research in the field of understanding spatial laws in the field of fine arts because we wanted to check the opinion of blind students and their teachers on the treatment of these contents, on possible support adjustments and interdisciplinary links with other school subjects. We conducted structured interviews with blind students of the subject level of education, their art teachers, geography teachers, mathematics teachers and special and rehabilitation pedagogues who perform exercises in the field of orientation and mobility. The participants in the research, sixteen teachers and four students, presented their opinion and together gave answers on the impact of the subject of fine arts on the understanding of the specifics of spatial laws. The impact of fine arts teaching on everyday activities is still unexplored in the field of the blind, so any contribution, regardless of the breadth of research and results, is a welcome contribution to the discussion and further development.

Keywords:art lessons

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