
Ocena posledic epidemije COVID-19 za brezdomne v Novi Gorici in odziv lokalne skupnosti
ID Gorkič, Sara (Author), ID Sande, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7242/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrski nalogi s pomočjo kvalitativnega raziskovanja predstavljam spremembe, ki so jih v času od prvega do tretjega vala epidemije COVID-19 doživljale brezdomne osebe na območju Nove Gorice, ter odzive, ki so jih z namenom kompenzacije izrednih razmer udejanjale organizacije in službe, ki se z njimi ukvarjajo. Epidemija je za marsikoga pomenila velik življenjski preobrat, četudi tega vsi nismo doživljali enako. Nekateri smo ob uvedbi omejitve gibanja preprosto ostali doma, drugi pa te možnosti niso imeli. Ustavitev javnega življenja je hkrati pomenila tudi zapiranje javnih prostorov in storitev ter krčenje delovanja organizacij, ki so mnogim brezdomnim pomenile središče zadovoljevanja osnovnih človeških potreb. V empiričnem delu sem s pomočjo intervjujev z uporabniki in zaposlenimi na področju brezdomstva zbrala podatke o njihovih opažanjih sprememb na področju vsakdanjega življenja, dostopa do zdravstvenih storitev, medosebnih odnosov ter načrtovanju odzivov in ovir za zaposlene. Namen moje raziskave je prikazati zaokroženo sliko stanja na področju brezdomstva v Novi Gorici med prvim in tretjim valom epidemije, ki bo nudil tako osnovni vpogled v uporabniško doživljanje situacije kot tudi nakazoval sistemske šibkosti, ki bi jih bilo v prihodnosti potrebno nasloviti. Rezultate, ki jih predstavljam v nadaljevanju, vidim kot majhen, a pomemben vodnik pri načrtovanju nadaljnjega dela na področju brezdomstva pri nas, saj vsebina izhaja izključno iz uporabniških in praktičnih izkušenj.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137790 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:113273603 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the homeless in Nova Gorica and the response of the local community
In the master's thesis I will present the changes experienced by homeless people in the area of Nova Gorica that occur from first to third wave of the COVID-19 epidemic and the actions homeless people received to compensate the obstacles that emergency situation set. I used qualitative approach. For many of us, the epidemic represented a major turning point in our life, even if we did not experience it all the same way. Some of us simply stayed at home when the movement restriction was introduced, while others did not have that option. The cessation of public life also meant the closure of public spaces and services and the reduction of the activities of organizations, which for many homeless people were the center of meeting basic human needs. With the help of interviews with users and employees in the field of homelessness. I collected data on their observations in the field of everyday life, access to health services and interpersonal relationships, and planning responses and barriers for employees. Purpose of my research is to present an integral picture of the state of homelessness in Nova Gorica between first and third wave of the epidemic, which will offer a basic insight into experiencing the situation, as well as systemic weaknesses that would need to be dealt in the future. Results that I present below I see as a small but important guidelines in planning further work in the field of homelessness in our country, as the content is derived exclusively from user’s and practical experiences.


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