
Konstrukcija podjetniške subjektivitete v resničnostnem šovu MasterChef Slovenija : diplomsko delo
ID Lah, Ajda (Author), ID Jontes, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo temelji na študiji primera, ki se ukvarja s konstrukcijo podjetniške subjektivitete v resničnostnem šovu MasterChef Slovenija. Temelji na medijski teoriji o odražanju neoliberalizma v resničnostni televiziji, a se osredotoča zgolj na podjetniško subjektiviteto, ki je značilna za neoliberalno delovno okolje. V teoretskem delu sta najprej definirana neoliberalizem in podjetniška subjektiviteta, nato pa so predstavljeni avtorji, ki so utemeljili, kako resničnostne oddaje reproducirajo neoliberalno ideologijo. Empirični del je sestavljen iz tekstualne analize sedme sezone kuharske oddaje MasterChef Slovenija, kjer je na podlagi primerov predstavljeno, kako se v oddaji kaže osem značilnosti podjetniške subjektivitete: individualizem, tekmovalnost, pozitivna naravnanost, podjetniško delovanje, zanikanje ranljivosti, časovni pritisk, zapostavljanje družinskega življenja ter prilagodljivost in tveganje. V sklepu ugotavljam, da tekmovalci v resničnostnem šovu delujejo podobno kot podjetniški subjekti v neoliberalnem okolju, s svojimi izjavami in ravnanjem pa to ideologijo reproducirajo. Glavni akterji reprodukcije podjetniške miselnosti so producenti, ki za tekmovalce ustvarjajo neoliberalno delovno okolje, v katerem jim podjetniška načela pomagajo utrjevati sodniki. Resničnostna oddaja tekmovalcem daje lažno upanje o uspehu, saj zanemarja njihove ekonomske in socialne okoliščine. Krute neoliberalne razmere v šovu zapostavljajo moralo in etiko ter promovirajo družbo, v kateri je najbolj pomemben dobiček.

Keywords:podjetniška subjektiviteta, neoliberalizem, resničnostni šov, tekmovalnost, individualizem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Lah]
Number of pages:37 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137747 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:113479939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Construction of entrepreneur subjectivity in a reality show MasterChef Slovenija
The following thesis is based on a case study that deals with the construction of entrepreneurial subjectivity in the reality show MasterChef Slovenia. It is based on media theory about how neoliberalism is reflected in reality television, but focuses solely on the entrepreneurial subjectivity that characterizes the neoliberal work environment. The theoretical part first defines neoliberalism and entrepreneurial subjectivity, and then introduces scholars who argue how reality shows reproduce neoliberal ideology. The empirical part consists of a textual analysis of the seventh season of the cooking show MasterChef Slovenia, which presents examples of how the show convey eight characteristics of entrepreneurial subjectivity: individualism, competitiveness, positive attitude, entrepreneurship, denial of vulnerability, time pressure, neglect of family life and flexibility and risk. In conclusion, I argue that contestants of this reality show act similarly to entrepreneurial subjects in the neoliberal environment and that they propagate this ideology through their statements and actions. The main actors in the reproduction of the entrepreneurial mindset are producers, who create a neoliberal work environment for competitors, in which judges help them reinforce entrepreneurial principles. The reality show gives the contestants a false hope of success as it neglects their economic and social circumstances. The cruel neoliberal conditions in this show neglect morals and ethics and promote a society where profit is most important.

Keywords:entrepreneur subjectivity, neoliberalism, reality show, competitiveness, individualism

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