
Spletna aplikacija za učenje dinamičnega odziva enostavne konstrukcije : diplomska naloga št.: 414/B-GR
ID Fazarinc, Neja (Author), ID Dolšek, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Klinc, Robert (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo reševanje enačbe gibanja s poudarkom na modelu z eno prostostno stopnjo in na izvedbi rešitev s pomočjo spletne aplikacije, ki smo jo razvili z namenom učenja dinamičnega odziva enostavne konstrukcije z izvedbo numeričnih eksperimentov. V prvem delu diplomske naloge predstavimo osnove teorije dinamične analize in razvijemo dve splošni numerični rešitvi ter specifični analitični rešitvi za primer lastnega nihanja in konstantne obtežbe. V drugem delu je opisan razvoj spletne aplikacije, ki vključuje programske skripte za analizo dinamičnega odziva modela z eno prostostno stopnjo, ki smo jih razvili v programskem jeziku Python. Delovni tok aplikacije je predstavljen na kratko v predzadnjem poglavju. V zadnjem delu diplomske naloge demonstriramo uporabo spletne aplikacije na osnovi testnih primerov, kjer spreminjamo parametre konstrukcije, vrste in lastnosti obtežbe, izbiro metode analize in parametre metode. Vsi izvedeni izračuni se tudi shranjujejo v bazo podatkov, vezano na uporabnika, tako da lahko uporabnik izbira različne izračune in jih med seboj primerja. Pokažemo, da lahko uporabnik primerja dinamični odziv konstrukcij na osnovi grafov, ki prikazujejo različne količine v odvisnosti od časa. Na ta način lahko dobi boljši občutek in vpogled tako v fenomene dinamičnega odziva konstrukcije kot tudi v natančnost numeričnih metod. Rezultate si lahko uporabnik tudi izvozi v obliki grafov. Z novo spletno aplikacijo smo zahtevno in težko predstavljivo teorijo dinamike približali študentom ter vpeljali možnost interaktivnega učenja s pomočjo numeričnih eksperimentov. S testnimi primeri smo pokazali, da razvita spletna aplikacija omogoča reševanje osnovnih dinamičnih problemov z malo vloženega truda, pri čemer ima študent več časa, da pripravi zanimive primere, ob tem pa preučuje tudi natančnost numeričnih metod dinamične analize konstrukcij. Spletno aplikacijo je možno v prihodnosti nadgraditi, na primer z novimi primeri iz dinamike konstrukcij, z dodatnim seznamom akcelerogramov, novimi numeričnimi metodami in različnimi vrstami prikaza rezultatov.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomske naloge, UNI, GR, B-GR, gradbeništvo, dinamika, enačba gibanja, dinamična obtežba, numerične metode, analitična rešitev, potres, spletna aplikacija, programiranje, Python
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Fazarinc]
Number of pages:XIV, 56 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137738-410a1940-abbb-55e0-4ba5-3a4466b8a907 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:119454723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The web application for learning the dynamic response of a simple structure : graduation thesis no.:414/B-GR
The graduation thesis addresses solutions to the equation of motion by focusing on the single-degree-of-freedom model and the implementation of solutions in terms of a web application developed for learning the dynamic response of a simple structure by performing numerical experiments. In the first part of the thesis, we present the theoretical background of dynamic analysis of the structural model and derive two general numerical solutions and specific analytical solutions for the free vibration case and constant load case. In the second part, we describe the development of the web application that includes Python scripts to analyze the dynamic response of the single-degree-of-freedom model. The workflow of the application is briefly presented in the penultimate chapter. In the last part of the thesis, we demonstrate the use of the application by several examples involving different structural parameters, load types with various properties, and different analysis methods and their parameters. All performed calculations are also stored in the user’s personal database so that the user can select several cases and compare them in terms of structural response history diagrams. We show that the user can compare the structural dynamic responses by graphs presenting different time-dependent quantities, making it possible for the user to improve insights into the phenomena of the dynamic response of structures and the accuracy of numeric methods. The user can also export the results in the form of graphs. With the new web application, we brought the challenging and difficult-to-conceive theory of structural dynamics closer to students and introduced the possibility of interactive learning based on numerical experiments. We have shown that the developed application enables students to solve basic problems of structural dynamics with little effort. Consequently, students can use the extra time to design interesting numerical experiments and investigate the accuracy of numerical analysis methods. However, the web application can be upgraded in the future with new examples from structural dynamics, an additional list of accelerograms, more numerical methods, and other forms of result representation.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, dynamics, equation of motion, dynamic loading, numerical methods, analytical solution, earthquake, web application, programming, Python

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