
Moje aktualno slikarstvo med vrednotami modernizma in postmoderne / Moje aktualno slikarstvo med vrednotami modernizma in postmoderne
ID Indihar Dimic, Anita (Author)

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V magistrski nalogi želim interpretirati in preučiti svojo likovno ustvarjalnost v slikarstvu zadnjih dveh let. Razdeljena je na dva dela, in sicer teoretični in praktični del. V teoretičnem delu naloge se sprašujem o vrednotah v umetnosti. Prav vrednote naj bi odločale o odnosu do umetnosti. Je umetnost cenjena, nenadomestljiva in potrebna ljudem vseh dob in vseh kultur? Kaj so vrednote? Kakšne so kulturne vrednote danes? Kdo jih narekuje? Razčlenim vrednotenje v modernizmu in postmodernizmu ter se dotaknem problematike različnih pristopov v teh dveh obdobjih. Soočam se s problemom kulturnih vrednot in vrednotenja danes. V praktičnem delu interpretiram avtorske slike in grafike, ki sem jih realizirala v zadnjih dveh letih, in so nadaljevanje mojega oblikotvornega prizadevanja, ki je bilo že pred tem izraženo v umetniški grafiki. Likovno ustvarjanje temelji na izražanju skozi nepredmetni svet, katerega namen je raziskovati lastni jaz in vplivati na emocionalno ter intuitivno plat gledalca. V zaključku govorim o pregledu svojega raziskovanja in predstavitvi ugotovitev, do katerih sem prišla med ustvarjanjem. Cilj magistrske naloge je preko raziskave avtorskih del utemeljiti lastno umetniško prakso v odnosu do tradicije.

Keywords:slikarstvo, grafika, predmetno, nepredmetno, vrednote, vrednotenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137713 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.06.2022
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Title:My current painting between the values of modernism and postmodernism / My current painting between the values of modernism and postmodernism
The aim of this master's thesis is to interpret and study my artistic creativity in painting in the last two years. It is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the values in art. It is the values that are supposed to determine the attitude towards art. Is art appreciated, irreplaceable, and needed by people of all eras and cultures? What are values? What are today's cultural values? Who dictates them? I analyse valuation in modernism and postmodernism as well as address the issue of different approaches in these two periods. I examine the issue of today's cultural values and valuation. In the practical part, I interpret my own paintings and prints I have executed in the last two years. They represent a continuation of my morphological efforts that were previously expressed in my fine art prints. My artistic creations are based on expression through the non-objective world with the purpose of exploring my own self and influencing the emotional and intuitive side of the viewer. Finally, I present an overview of my research and the conclusions I reached during my creative process. The goal of this master's thesis is to justify my own artistic practice in relation to tradition by examining my works of art.

Keywords:painting, graphics, objective, non-objective, values, evaluation

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