
Analiza obratovalne trdnosti litoželeznega cestnega pokrova
ID Mikelj, Martin (Author), ID Šeruga, Domen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Nagode, Marko (Comentor)

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Pokrovi cestnih jaškov morajo zagotavljati ustrezno trdnost in vzdržljivost skozi predvideno dobo trajanja. Poleg obratovalnih obremenitev na dobo trajanja litoželeznih cestnih pokrovov močno vplivajo tudi pogoji vgradnje in postavitve po odpiranju oz. zapiranju. Vertikalni premik od ravnine vozišča se lahko pojavi pri vgradnji, lahko se pokrov sčasoma posede zaradi materialnih lastnosti terena, na katerega je postavljen, lahko pa se posede tudi teren okoli jaška. Po odpiranju in zapiranju pokrova se pogosto zgodi, da se pokrov le delno dotika površine ležišča zaradi tujka, ki se je ujel v sedišče pokrova. Omenjeni dogodki lahko bistveno vplivajo na dobo trajanja pokrova. V okviru magistrske naloge smo izbrali tip litoželeznega pokrova in ga nato obravnavali s stališča obratovalne trdnosti. Najprej smo analizirali njegovo geometrijo in poiskali potencialna kritična mesta s stališča oblikovanja, določili smo tudi tipične obremenitve na pokrov. Nato smo postavili numerični model, s katerim je mogoče simulirati tipične obremenitve na izbran litoželezni pokrov. V simulacijah smo predvsem analizirali vpliv kritičnih scenarijev, tako da smo vplivne parametre razdelili v posamezne nivoje. Dobljene rezultate smo ovrednotili in predlagali izboljšavo izdelka oz. potrebne ukrepe za dosego predvidene obratovalne trdnosti.

Keywords:obratovalna trdnost, Wöhlerjeva krivulja, implicitne dinamične analize, litoželezni cestni pokrovi, Abaqus
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Mikelj]
Number of pages:XXII, 62 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137710 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:114753027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Operational strength analysis of a cast-iron manhole cover
Manhole covers must provide adequate strength and durability over their intended lifespan. In addition to operating loads, the lifespan of cast-iron road covers is also strongly influenced by the conditions of installation and cover placement after opening or closing. Vertical displacement from the plane of the carriageway may occur during installation, the cover may eventually settle due to the material properties of the terrain on which it is placed, and the terrain around the cover may also settle. After opening and closing the lid, it often happens that the lid only partially touches the support surface due to stones or other impurities caught on the surface or cover. These events can significantly affect the lifespan of the cover. As part of the master's thesis, we chose the type of cast-iron cover and then analysed it from the operational strength point of view. We first analysed its geometry and looked for potential critical points from a design point of view, we also determined the typical loads on the cover. We then set up a model that can simulate typical loads on a selected cast iron cover. In the simulations, we mainly analysed the impact of critical scenarios by dividing the impact parameters into individual levels. We evaluated the obtained results and proposed the improvement of the product or the necessary measures to achieve the intended operational strength.

Keywords:operational strength, Wöhler curve, implicit dynamic analysis, cast-iron manhole cover, Abaqus

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