Introduction: Assertive behaviour means accepting ourselves and others and building on self-evaluation, during which a person openly expresses his emotions, thoughts, enforces his rights and achieves his goals, while being cautious of feelings, rights and interests of others. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to review the concept of assertiveness and its main characteristics, determine the level of assertiveness of nurses, determine factors that affect the assertiveness of nurses and highlight the benefits of assertiveness in nursing. Methods: In this thesis we used a descriptive method with a review of domestic and foreign literature. We reviewed scientific and professional literature dealing with the topic of assertivness in nursing in the databases ScienceDirect, PubMed and Google Scholar from June 2021 to December 2021. Results: The analyzed results of the included researches prove that the level of assertiveness of nurses is low or moderate. The results of the authors are not completely consistent with regards to the influences of factors on assertiveness in the included studies. Nevertheless, according to the analysis of the results, we could conclude that cultural characteristics, gender differences, age, years of work experience, level of education, type of employment, marital status and self-confidence affect assertiveness. Discussion and conclusion: In the analyzed studies, the authors reported about the level of assertiveness and the factors that influence assertiveness. The authors propose further research in the field of assertiveness and the inclusion of assertiveness in the curriculum of undergraduate study of nursing.