
Analiza medgeneracijskih razlik v zaznavanju vodenja : magistrsko delo
ID Furlan, Maja (Author), ID Stare, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Delovna mestna so večgeneracijska, kar privede do tega, da se organizacije soočajo z izzivom obvladovanja generacijske raznolikosti med pripadniki različnih generacij. Eden izmed ključnih izzivov, s katerim se soočajo vodje na delovnem mestu, je, kako učinkovito voditi pripadnike različnih generacij na delovnem mestu. Zaposleni iz različnih generacij imajo tudi različna pričakovanja glede tega, kaj si želijo na delovnem mestu tako z vidika značilnosti vodenja kot tudi lastnosti vodij. Zato so v magistrskem delu prikazani odgovori na vprašanje, kakšnega vodjo in vodenje si želijo generacija otrok blaginje, generacija X, generacija Y in generacija Z. Primerjava je narejena tudi za razlikovanje med javnim in zasebnim sektorjem. V magistrskem delu v teoretičnem delu so uporabljene deskriptivna metoda, metoda kompilacije, komparativna metoda in primerjalna metoda. Raziskovalni del pa temelji na kvantitativni metodi, ki je preverjen s pomočjo spletnega anketnega vprašalnika, s katerim se je ugotavljalo zaznavanje značilnosti vodenja in lastnosti vodij iz vidika pripadnikov različnih generacij. Pri statistični analizi anketnega vprašalnika so uporabljene opisne statistike in na podlagi preveritve normalnosti porazdelitve podatkov je bil uporabljen še neparametričen test Kruskal-Wallisov. Raziskava je pokazala, da obstajajo razlike pri izbranih značilnostih in lastnostih vodij pri vsaki izmed generacij. Prav tako so izbrane razlike vidne tudi med javnim in zasebnim sektorjem. Rezultati raziskave bodo pomagali vodjem razumeti generacije, ki jih vodijo, in tako lažje premagovati ovire, ki jih prinašajo večgeneracijska delovna mesta.

Keywords:vodenje, generacija, vodja, zaposleni, lastnosti vodij, značilnosti vodij
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Furlan]
Number of pages:IX, 133 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137572 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:112605187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of intergenerational differences in leading perception
Jobs are multi-generational, leading organisations to face the challenge of managing generational diversity among members of different generations. One of the key challenges facing workplace leaders is the effective leadership of members of different generations in the workplace. Employees from different generations also have different expectations about what they want in the workplace, both in terms of leadership characteristics and characteristics of leaders. This Master’s thesis answers the question of what kind of leader and leadership Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z want. A comparison is also made to distinguish between the public and private sectors. The descriptive method, the compilation method and the comparative method were used in the theoretical part of the Master’s thesis. The research part is based on the quantitative method, which was verified with the help of an online questionnaire, used to determine the perception of leadership characteristics and the characteristics of leaders from the perspective of members of different generations. Descriptive statistics were applied in the statistical analysis of the questionnaire, and based on the verification of the normality of the data distribution, the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test was used. The study showed that there are differences in the chosen characteristics and traits of leaders in each of the generations. The chosen differences are also visible between the public and private sectors. The results of the study will help leaders understand the generations they lead, making it easier to overcome the barriers posed by multi-generational jobs.

Keywords:leadership, generation, leader, employees, leadership characteristics, characteristics of leaders

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