
Analiza Dublinskega sistema in vzroki za njegovo nedelovanje : diplomsko delo
ID Miceska, Valerija (Author), ID Nikolić, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Migrantska kriza iz leta 2015 je poudarila pomen evropskega Dublinskega sistema pri obravnavi prosilcev za mednarodno zaščito. Namen diplomske naloge je natančno proučiti obstoječi Dublinski sistem s poudarkom na trenutno veljavni Uredbi Dublin III in izpostaviti njegove glavne pomanjkljivosti. S pomočjo pomanjkljivosti bomo razložili, zakaj se je v času migrantske krize Dublinski sistem izkazal za neučinkovitega, kar je primarni cilj naloge. Ključni rezultati diplomskega dela, pridobljeni s pomočjo pregleda literature in sodne prakse (Sodišče EU in Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice), razkrivajo odgovor na prvo raziskovalno vprašanje, tj. katere so pomanjkljivosti Dublinskega sistema, ki so dodatno prispevale k razmahu krize. Kot posledica neučinkovitosti Dublinskega sistema je bil izdan reformni predlog Evropske komisije (EK) o reformi Uredbe Dublin III, katerega glavni namen je odpraviti obstoječe pomanjkljivosti te uredbe. 23. septembra 2020 je EK naznanila, da bo ta predlog umaknila. Drugi cilj diplomske naloge je analizirati reformni predlog EK in ugotoviti, ali predlagana reforma odpravlja obstoječe pomanjkljivosti sistema. Na podlagi rezultatov, pridobljenih z analitično metodo, s prepletanjem sekundarnih virov, raziskava poda odgovor na drugo raziskovalno vprašanje, in sicer ali reforma sistema, ki jo je predlagala EK, odpravi pomanjkljivosti obstoječega sistema. V okviru analize Dublinskega sistema in reformnega predloga EK pričakujemo, da bo ta pripomogla k razumevanju sedanjega stanja evropskega azilnega sistema in v skladu s tem pripomogla k uresničevanju poglavitne naloge, za katero si EU prizadeva že od leta 1999, in sicer ustvariti pravičen in enoten sistem, ki bo nudil zaščito in solidarnost v pravem pomenu besede ter omogočil boljšo in lepšo prihodnost prihajajočim generacijam.

Keywords:Dublinski sistem, Skupni evropski azilni sistem, Evropska unija, človekove pravice, solidarnost, delitev bremena
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Miceska]
Number of pages:VIII, 52 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137527 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:112508419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the Dublin system and the reasons for its nonfunctionality
The 2011 migrant crisis underlined the importance of the Dublin system in dealing with the applicants for international protection. The purpose of my research is to meticulously study the existing Dublin system, with emphasis on the Dublin III Regulation and its main shortcomings. Based on this research, this paper shall elaborate on why the Dublin system proved to be inefficient during the migrant crisis. The key results justified through a review of literature and case law (EU Court of Justice and European Court of Human Rights) shall disclose the answer to the first research question which reveals what the shortcomings of the Dublin system were, that further contributed to the escalation of the crisis. As a result of the non-functioning of the Dublin system, a reform proposal of the European Commission (EC) on the reform of the Dublin III Regulation was issued with the main purpose to eliminate the existing shortcomings of this Regulation. On 23 September 2020, the EC announced that it would withdraw this proposal. The second aim of this research is to analyze the EC reform proposal and determine whether the proposed reform addresses the existing shortcomings of the system. Based on the results my research provides an answer to the second research question, which reveals whether a system provided by the EC addresses the shortcomings of the existing system. As part of the analysis of the Dublin system, as well as the EC reform proposal, we expect that it will help to shed a light on it and understand the current state of the asylum system and accordingly contribute to the EU's main task of creating a fair and a single asylum system that shall offer protection and solidarity in the true sense of the word and offer a better and more prosperous future for the upcoming generations.

Keywords:Dublin system, Common European Asylum System, European Union, human rights, solidarity, burden sharing

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