
Delo z oddelčno skupnostjo v času epidemije covida-19
ID Mrak, Judita Evridika (Author), ID Gregorčič Mrvar, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi smo proučili delo razrednikov z oddelčno skupnostjo v drugem valu epidemije covida-19, ko je potekalo izobraževanje na daljavo. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo opredelili oddelek in oddelčno skupnost ter na kratko predstavili značilnosti oblikovanja in vodenja oddelka ter osnovne vzgojne dejavnosti, ki jih v njem izvajamo. Nato smo se posvetili oddelčni skupnosti in dejavnikom za njeno oblikovanje ter vzdrževanje in krepitev le-te. Dalje smo predstavili, kako je epidemija vplivala na oddelčno skupnost v času izobraževanja na daljavo, ter izpostavili nekaj izsledkov raziskav na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja v času epidemije. V empiričnem delu naloge smo raziskali delo treh razrednikov z oddelčnimi skupnostmi v času izobraževanja na daljavo, in sicer v obdobju drugega vala epidemije covida-19, od konca oktobra 2020 do sredine februarja 2021. Ugotovili smo, da so se intervjuvani razredniki v drugem valu epidemije zaradi izkušenj iz prvega vala bolje soočali z razmerami izobraževanja na daljavo in tako tudi hitreje ter učinkoviteje vzpostavili stik z vsemi učenci oddelka. Večji pomen so dajali rednemu, vsaj 45 minut dolgemu srečanju oddelčnih skupnosti preko aplikacije Zoom, saj so učenci preko njih ostali povezani s šolo, z razrednikom in med seboj. Hkrati jim je oddelčna skupnost nudila varno okolje kjer so lahko izražali svoje stiske. Za učence so bili intervjuvani razredniki na voljo 24 ur na dan, vse dni v tednu, stik ter komunikacija med njimi pa je potekala redno, in sicer preko različnih kanalov informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT). Učenci so se na razrednika največkrat obrnili v povezavi z učenjem in šolskim delom ter v zvezi z aktualnimi razmerami, povezanimi z epidemijo. V obdobju izobraževanja na daljavo so v raziskavo vključeni razredniki v sodelovanju s šolsko svetovalno službo, drugimi učitelji ali zunanjimi institucijami izvedli tiste ure oddelčne skupnosti, ki so bile že vnaprej predvidene v letnem delovnem načrtu, sicer pa so jih izvajali sami v sodelovanju z učenci. Razredniki so največkrat opravljali naloge, povezane z učenjem in učnimi dosežki, manj pa naloge povezane z oddelčno skupnostjo. Slednje so ocenili kot najzahtevnejše. Vsi intervjuvani razredniki so izrazili, da so se z učenci v oddelčni skupnosti kljub manjku fizičnega stika še močneje povezali. To je bilo mogoče zaradi mnogih dejavnosti in dobrih praks, ki so jih tekom izobraževanja na daljavo izvajali z oddelčnimi skupnostmi.

Keywords:oddelek, oddelčna skupnost, razrednik, epidemija covida-19, izobraževanje na daljavo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137496 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.06.2022
MRAK, Judita Evridika, 2022, Delo z oddelčno skupnostjo v času epidemije covida-19 [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Working with the Classroom Community during the COVID-19 epidemic
This thesis is concerned with how class teachers worked with their classroom communities during the second wave of the COVID-19 epidemic in Slovenia, when distance learning was mandatory. The theoretical part defines the class and classroom community for our purposes, briefly describes how a class is formed and guided, and presents key educational activities held in a class. Then, a classroom community is described together with the factors relevant for its formation, maintenance, and strengthening. Additionally, some areas in which the epidemic has affected the classroom community are outlined, as well as the results of some research pertaining to education during the epidemic. The empirical part presents the work that three class teachers have carried out with their class communities for the duration of the distance learning mandate in the second wave of the COVID-19 epidemic, namely between late October 2020 and mid-February 2021. It was discovered that the class teachers were better prepared for distance learning, having accrued experience in the earlier wave, and that they built rapport with their students more efficiently. Care was taken to set up regular meetings of the classroom community via an app named Zoom, which lasted at least 45 minutes. Because of this, the students felt more connected to the school, the class teacher as well as to one another. The classroom community also served as a platform to voice their distress. The interviewed class teachers made themselves available to their students twenty-four hours a day every day, and both sides communicated regularly through various channels of information-communication technology. The most frequent topics for which the students sought their class teacher’s help were study matters and schoolwork, and also current events pertaining to the epidemic. During the distance learning mandate, the class teachers included in the research were joined by school advisory service personnel, other teachers, and other institutions for those classroom community sessions that had been included in the syllabus, and prepared the rest of them alone with the class. The class teachers report spending more time working on study matters and grades than on the classroom community, and also describe working with the classroom community as the most difficult type of work they do. All three interviewed class teachers have said that they formed a stronger bond with the students in the classroom community despite the lack of physical presence. This was made possible by various activities and good teachership carried out with the classroom communities throughout the distance learning mandate.

Keywords:class, classroom community, class teacher, COVID-19 epidemic, distance learning

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