
Povezanost med doživljanjem finančne stiske in doživljanjem stresa med študentsko populacijo : diplomsko delo
ID Šilc, Miša (Author), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Spremljevalec današnjega načina življenja je stres, ki je neizogiben del naše družbe, kamor lahko nedvomno uvrstimo tudi študentsko populacijo. Študentje se vsakodnevno soočajo z različnimi zahtevami s strani okolice, hkrati pa morajo ohranjati ravnotežje pri soočanju z lastnimi interesi. Eden izmed pomembnih vidikov življenja so finance in velikokrat se ljudje zaradi njih lahko znajdejo v težavah. Študentje tekom študija pogosto opravljajo študentsko delo ravno zaradi povečanja svojih mesečnih dohodkov. Znaki stresa se lahko pri vsakem posamezniku izražajo na različne načine in lahko vodijo tudi do resnih zdravstvenih zapletov. Z namenom, da bi ugotovila, ali obstaja povezanost med doživljanjem finančne stiske in doživljanjem stresa med študentsko populacijo, sem se odločila izvesti raziskavo. V teoretičnem delu sem tako predstavila šest tem, in sicer mladost, socialno-ekonomski položaj študentov, študentsko delo, stres, finančno pismenost in finančno stisko. Slednje se mi zdijo pomembne za razumevanje raziskave, v kateri sem si postavila šest hipotez, ki se navezujejo na teoretično obravnavane teme. Z raziskavo sem želela izvedeti, ali so anketirani študentje že bili v stanju finančne stiske in ali so doživljali stres zaradi tega, če so opravljali študentsko delo. Zanimalo me je tudi, kako dolgo je trajalo opravljanje študentskega dela. Prav tako me je zanimalo, ali so se udeleževali prostočasnih aktivnosti, in če ne, kakšni so bili razlogi za to, ter kakšno je njihovo mnenje o znanju na področju finančne pismenosti. Z rezultati, ki sem jih zbrala s pomočjo raziskave, sem ugotovila, da je več kot polovica (51 %) anketiranih študentov že bila v stanju finančne stiske in da jih je večina (80 %) od teh zaradi tega doživljala stres.

Keywords:stres, finančna stiska, finančna pismenost, mladost, študentsko delo, socialno-ekonomski položaj študentov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Šilc]
Number of pages:59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137491 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:113356291 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The connection between experiencing financial distress and experiencing stress among student population
Stress plays a major role in our current life; it is an inevitable part of our society, which undoubtedly includes the student population. On a daily basis, students struggle to keep a balance between facing different demands from the environment and confronting their own interests. Also, students often do student work during their studies to increase their monthly income. In this scenario, the financial aspect is indeed one very important aspect to consider, once signs of related (di)stress can manifest in different ways in each individual and can also lead to serious health issues. Therefore, this investigation aims to find out if there is any connection between experiencing financial distress and experiencing stress among the student population. In the theoretical review, six topics are approached, namely, youth, socio-economic status of students, student work, stress, financial literacy and financial distress. All of them are considered relevant for this research, as it puts forward six hypotheses theoretically related to each of the aforementioned topics. This investigation thus aims to find out whether the surveyed students were already in a state of financial distress or whether they experienced stress due to student work. In the latter case, it then becomes necessary to consider how long they were doing it. Besides, this research is also interested in whether the surveyed students took part in leisure activities or not and why as well as in their opinions on having knowledge in the field of financial literacy. Based on the data collected throughout the research, the results imply that more than a half (51%) of the surveyed students were already in a state of financial distress and that most (80%) of them were experiencing stress as a result of student work.

Keywords:stress, financial distress, financial literacy, youth, student work, students socio-economic status

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