
Analiza kakovosti odtisov na nizkokakovostnih komercialnih tiskalnikih
ID Kompara, Ana (Author), ID Javoršek, Dejana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tiskarne najdemo na vsakem kotičku Ljubljane. Cena in kakovost storitev posameznih tiskarn se zmerno razlikujejo. Glavni cilj diplomske naloge je bil preučiti možnosti tiska za študente v Ljubljani. Postavljeno je bilo pet hipotez, ki so vodile skozi raziskavo. Za doseg cilja je bila najprej opravljena spletna anketa, s katero so bile poizvedene študentske navade, njihova mnenja o tiskarnah ter njihove cenovne predstave o tisku. Nato se je začela analiza kakovosti barvnih odtisov iz dvajsetih različnih tiskarn, ki ponujajo nizko cenovne storitve tiska. Tiskarne so v večini uporabljale laserske tiskalnike, ki delujejo po principu elektrofotografije. Najcenejši odtisi so bili narejeni z inkjet tiskalniki. Na trgu so bile ponujene tudi različne cenovne akcije za tisk. Za primerjanje kakovosti barvnih odtisov je bila izbrana ColorChecker tablica s štiriindvajsetimi barvnimi toni. S spektrofotometrom so bile izmerjene CIEL*a*b* vrednosti, ki so bile potrebne za primerjanje odtisov z določenim standardom. Končni rezultati barvnih razlik so bili primerjani glede na cenovne razrede. S končnimi rezultati so bile potrjene skoraj vse na začetku postavljene hipoteze. Z anketo je bilo potrjeno, da več kot polovica študentov še vedno preferira tiskane medije po cenovno ugodnih cenah. Pri barvni analizi pa so bile barvne razlike odtisov velike. Končne ugotovitve so pokazale, da višje cene ne pomenijo višje kakovosti tiska.

Keywords:Barvna reprodukcija, barvne razlike, inkjet, laserski tisk.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137397 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Quality analysis of prints made with low-quality commercial printers
Printing houses can be found in every corner of Ljubljana. The price and quality of services vary from one printing shop to another. The main aim of the diploma thesis was to research the printing options for students in Ljubljana. Five hypotheses were set out to guide the research. To achieve the objective, an online survey was first carried out to find out students' habits, their opinions on printers and their price perceptions of printing. An analysis of the quality of color prints from twenty different printing houses offering low-cost printing services was then started. Most printing houses use laser printers, which work on the principle of electrophotography. The cheapest prints, however, were made with inkjet digital printing techniques. Different offers for price discounts for printing services were also offered on the market. To compare the quality of the color prints, a ColorChecker plate with twenty-four color tones was selected. The CIEL*a*b* values needed to compare the prints to a standard were measured using a spectrophotometer. The final results of the color differences were compared in terms of the price range. The final results confirm almost all of the hypotheses set out at the beginning. The survey confirmed that more than half of the students still prefer print media at affordable prices. In the color analysis, the color differences of the prints were significant. The results show that higher prices do not necessarily mean higher print quality.

Keywords:Color reproduction, color differences, inkjet, laser printing.

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