
Analiza trga, zajem zahtev in razvoj mobilne aplikacije za učinkovitejšo prodajo kmečkih izdelkov
ID ERKER, ANDRAŽ (Author), ID Hovelja, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Težava trajnosti globalne proizvodnje in distribucije hrane je dolgo znana tema na raznih področjih znanstvenih raziskovanj, odkrivanj in inovacij. Njej najbolj intuitivna rešitev je lokalna pridelava in prodaja hrane. Prav tako čedalje večje ozaveščanje potrošnikov s strani medijev, znanstvenih člankov in socialnih omrežij, povzroča skrb o samem izvoru naše hrane. Zaradi tega postaja kmetijstvo, ki temelji na lokalnih skupnosti (CSA), vse bolj potrebovano. Največji uspeh takega združenja v Evropi predstavlja francoski sistem AMAP, ki je bil ustanovljen že leta 2001. Tudi v Sloveniji imamo več takih združenj, a večina jih deluje na sistem tržnic, prodaje po socialnih omrežjih in podobno. Ravno med pandemijo se je izkazalo, da so informacijski sistemi kot je Wolt, E-hrana, Glovo in drugi močno poenostavili kupovanje hrane iz raznih restavracij in trgovin. Zato v tem delu raziščemo možne izboljšave pri prodaji in nakupu lokalnih pridelkov z uporabo informacijskih tehnologij. Našo rešitev bo predstavljala Androidna mobilna aplikacija, ki povezuje bljižnje kmetije z njihovimi ciljnimi kupci. Sprva poiščemo podobne in že obstoječe projekte, jih analiziramo ter iz njih razberemo ključne funkcionalnosti. Tem dodamo funkcije, pridobljene iz pogovorov s kmetijami in njihovimi kupci ter vse skupaj vkjučimo v razvoj naše mobilne aplikacije.

Keywords:android studio, kmetijstvo, lokalna hrana, mobilno naročanje, zdrava prehrana
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137384 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:111805187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Market analysis, demand research and development of a mobile app for more effective selling of farm produce
The problem of sustainability of global production and distribution of food has long been a well-known topic in various fields of scientific research, discovery and innovation. Its most intuitive solution is the local production and sale of food. Besides that, the growing awareness of consumers through the media, scientific articles and social networks is causing concerns about the very origin of our food. As a result, community-supported agriculture (CSA) is becoming increasingly needed. The greatest success of such an association in Europe is the French system AMAP, which was established in 2001. We also have several of such associations in Slovenia, but most of them operate on the system of farmers markets, sales on social networks and the like. During the pandemic, it turned out that the information systems such as Wolt, E-hrana, Glovo and others, greatly simplified the purchase of food from various restaurants and shops. Therefore, in this thesis, we explore the possible improvements in the sale and purchase of local produce, using information technology. Our solution will be an Android mobile app that connects nearby farms with their target customers. Firstly, we look for similar and existing projects, analyze them and understand their key functionalities. To these we add features gained from conversations with farms and their customers, and we include them all in the development of our mobile application.

Keywords:android studio, agriculture, local foods, mobile ordering, healthy foods

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