
AKR1B1 as a prognostic biomarker of high-grade serous ovarian cancer
ID Hojnik, Marko (Author), ID Kenda Šuster, Nataša (Author), ID Smrkolj, Špela (Author), ID Sisinger, Damjan (Author), ID Frković-Grazio, Snježana (Author), ID Verdenik, Ivan (Author), ID Lanišnik-Rižner, Tea (Author)

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Although aldo-keto reductases (AKRs) have been widely studied in cancer, no study to date has examined the roles of AKR family 1 members B1 (AKR1B1) and B10 (AKR1B10) in a large group of ovarian cancer patients. AKR1B1 and AKR1B10 play a significant role in inflammation and the metabolism of different chemotherapeutics as well as cell differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis. Due to these functions, we examined the potential of AKR1B1 and AKR1B10 as tissue biomarkers. We assessed the immunohistochemical levels of AKR1B1 and AKR1B10 in tissue paraffin sections from 99 patients with high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC) and compared these levels with clinicopathological characteristics, survival, and response to chemotherapy. A higher immunohistochemical AKR1B1 expression correlated with a better overall and disease-free survival of HGSC patients whereas AKR1B10 expression did not show any significant differences. A multivariant Cox analysis demonstrated that a high AKR1B1 expression was an important prognostic factor for both overall and disease-free survival. However, AKR1B1 and AKR1B10 were not associated with different responses to chemotherapy. Our data suggest that AKR1B1 is involved in the pathogenesis of HGSC and is a potential prognostic biomarker for this cancer.

Keywords:high-grade serous ovarian cancer, immunohistochemistry, survival, prognosis, biomarker, aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B1 (AKR1B1), aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B10 (AKR1B10), resistance
Work type:Article
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:MF - Faculty of Medicine
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Number of pages:15 str.
Numbering:Vol. 14, iss. 3, art. 809
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137350 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:2072-6694
DOI:10.3390/cancers14030809 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:96813059 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.06.2022
HOJNIK, Marko, KENDA ŠUSTER, Nataša, SMRKOLJ, Špela, SISINGER, Damjan, FRKOVIĆ-GRAZIO, Snježana, VERDENIK, Ivan and LANIŠNIK-RIŽNER, Tea, 2022, AKR1B1 as a prognostic biomarker of high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Cancers [online]. 2022. Vol. 14, no. 3,  809. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. DOI 10.3390/cancers14030809. Retrieved from:
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Record is a part of a journal

Shortened title:Cancers
COBISS.SI-ID:517914137 This link opens in a new window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:05.02.2022

Secondary language

Keywords:serozni rak jajčnikov visoke stopnje, imunohistokemija, preživetje


Funder:ARRS - Slovenian Research Agency
Project number:J3-8212
Name:Vloga intrakrinega delovanja estrogenov pri hormonsko odvisnih boleznih – pomen za zdravljenje

Funder:ARRS - Slovenian Research Agency
Project number:J3-2535
Name:Vloga androgenov pri hormonsko odvisnih boleznih: pomen za diagnostiko in zdravljenje

Funder:ARRS - Slovenian Research Agency
Funding programme:Young researchers

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