
Stiska otroka ob prehodu iz družinskega v novo vrtčevsko okolje : diplomsko delo
ID Čebavs, Zala (Author), ID Skubic, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Stanek Zidarič, Tita (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Prehod iz družinskega v novo vrtčevsko okolje je prva večja tranzicija v otrokovem življenju. Dojenčki in malčki v tem obdobju še niso dovolj čustveno in kognitivno zreli, da bi bili sposobni regulirati lastna čustvena stanja v času ločitve od staršev za dlje časa v dnevu, zato ob vstopu v vrtec občutijo stisko. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pomočjo pregleda literature ugotoviti, kakšno je doživljanje otroka v času prehoda iz varnega družinskega okolja v novo in tuje okolje vrtca. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom strokovne in znanstvene literature. Vključili smo članke, ki so bili objavljeni v časovnem obdobju desetih let (2012–2021). Iskanje virov je potekalo v podatkovnih bazah Taylor & Francis Online, ERIC, ScienceDirect in PubMed. Prikaz poteka pregleda literature je prikazan s PRISMA diagramom. Rezultati: Glavni stresorji za dojenčke in malčke ob vstopu v vrtec so: ločitev od staršev, novo okolje vrtca, neznane osebe in nove rutine ter socialne interakcije z vrstniki. Rezultati so pokazali pomembno višje ravni kortizola v fazi separacije malčkov od staršev, medtem ko so bile ravni kortizola, ko so bili starši še prisotni, le malce povišane. Povišano raven kortizola so opazili še po 4–6 tednih v vrtcu. Vzorec kortizola pri malčkih v vrtcu se razlikuje od vzorca v družinskem okolju. Število ur, ki jih otrok preživi v vrtcu, starost otroka in varna navezanost otroka na vzgojiteljico so se izkazali kot pomembni dejavniki v povezavi z izločanjem kortizola. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da se dojenčki in malčki ob vstopu v vrtec soočajo z več stresorji naenkrat, zato je lahko prehod v vrtec zanje čustveno zelo zahteven in dolgotrajen proces. Otroci so večino časa komaj kazali kakršne koli znake pozitivnega razpoloženja in še nekaj časa izražali znake ločitvene tesnobe. Pomirja nas ugotovitev, da se otroci kasneje v domačem okolju pomirijo in ne občutijo več notranje stiske, saj so imeli v večernem času bistveno nižje ravni kortizola. Med glavne omejitve diplomskega dela štejemo slabšo razpoložljivost neodvisnih raziskav o doživljanju (in spremembi vedenja) otroka ob prehodu iz družinskega v vrtčevsko okolje. V nadaljnjem delu bi bilo smiselno raziskati, kaj doživlja otrok ob vstopu v vrtec v slovenskem prostoru. Poleg potrebe po dodatnih raziskavah bi bila smiselna vključitev tematike v priprave na porod in starševstvo in poporodno babiško obravnavo, saj bi tako babice z informiranjem starše lahko pripravile na to pomembno obdobje tranzicije v izvendružinsko okolje.

Keywords:diplomska dela, babištvo, prehod v vrtec, ločitev, navezanost, zgodnje otroštvo, kortizol
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Z. Čebavs]
Number of pages:33 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137334 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:111412739 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Distress of a child at transition from a family to a new child care environment : diploma work
Introduction: The transition from a family to a new child care environment is the first major transition in a child's life. Babies and toddlers during this period are not yet emotionally and cognitively mature enough to be able to regulate their own emotional states during separation from their parents for longer periods of the day, so they feel distressed when entering child care. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to review the literature and to identify the child's experience of the transition from a safe family environment to a new and strange child care environment. Methods: The descriptive method of work was used in the diploma work, with a review of professional and scientific literature. We included articles published in the last 10 years (2012–2021). Sources were searched in Taylor & Francis Online, ERIC, ScienceDirect and PubMed. The PRISMA diagram shows the flow of the literature review. Results: The main stressors for infants and toddlers when entering child care are: separation from parents, the new child care environment, unfamiliar people and new routines, and social interactions with peers. The results showed significantly higher cortisol levels during the separation phase, while cortisol levels were only slightly elevated when the parents were still present. Elevated cortisol levels were still observed after 4–6 weeks in child care. The cortisol pattern of toddlers in child care differs from that in the family environment. The number of hours the child spends in child care, the age of the child and the child's secure attachment to the child care teacher have been shown to be important factors in relation to cortisol secretion. Discussion and conclusion: We have found that infants and toddlers face several stressors at once when they enter child care, so the transition can be an emotionally challenging and long process for them. Most of the time, the children hardly showed any signs of positive mood and for a while they continued to show signs of separation anxiety. We were reassured to find that the children calmed down later in the home environment and no longer felt internal distress, as they had significantly lower cortisol levels in the evening. One of the main limitations of the diploma work is the poor availability of independent research on children's experiences (and behaviour change) in the transition from family to child care. In future work, it would be useful to investigate what children experience when they enter child care in the Slovenian context. In addition to the need for further research, it would be sensibly to include the topic of the transition from the family to the child care environment in the preparation for childbirth and parenthood and postpartum midwifery treatment, as midwives would prepare parents in advance for this important period of transition to out-of-family environment.

Keywords:diploma theses, midwifery, transition to child care, separation, attachment, early childhood, cortisol

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