
Deževnica kot pomemben vir pitne vode
ID Štular, Bor (Author), ID Žgajnar Gotvajn, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Voda je človekova osnovna dobrina potrebna za preživetje. Zato človeštvo že od začetka svojega obstoja stremi k vse bolj naprednim postopkom pridobivanja pitne vode. Začelo se je že v davnih Perzijskih deželah, ko so vodo po speljanih jarkih vodili do mest, kjer so jo uporabljali predvsem v agrarne namene. Kasneje v Antiki so za gradbeno velesilo veljali Rimljani, znani predvsem po svojih akvaduktih, mogočnih kanalih po katerih se je pretakala voda. Danes pa se srečujemo s problemom hitre rasti populacije, ki vodi do vprašanja o zadostni količini pitne vode na Zemlji. S problemom se ukvarjajo strokovnjaki z vseh področij in iščejo rešitev. Ena izmed možnosti je uporaba deževnice, ki jo do sedaj še nismo izkoristili. Namen dela je raziskati razpoložljive možnosti in tehnologije, ki bi omogočale boljši izkoristek deževnice za potrebe prebivalstva. V svojem delu sem skušal predstaviti pot deževnice od njenega nastanka, zbiranja in obdelave do končne uporabe v gospodinjske namene. Ob tem sem se vprašal tudi o sami smiselnosti zbiranja in problematikah, ki otežujejo samo načrtovanje in izdelavo sistema za zbiranje deževnice.

Keywords:čiščenje, deževnica, filtriranje, zbiranje deževnice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137278 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:111249667 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Rainwater as important source of drinking water
Water is a basic need for human survival. Therefore since the beginning of mankind's existence, it has been striving for more sophisticated methods for obtaining drinking water. It began in the ancient Persian lands, when water was channelled through ditches to cities, where it was used mainly for agricultural purposes. Later in Antiquity, the Romans were considered as a construction superpower and they were known for their aqueducts, mighty canals through which water flowed. Today, we face the problem of rapid population growth, which leads to the question of how much drinking water we have on Earth. Experts from all fields are working on this problem and searching for a solution. One of the possibilities is the use of rainwater, which has not been extensively used so far. The aim of this work is to explore the options and available technologies to use rainwater for drinking water to meet the needs of the population. In my work, I presented the path of rainwater from its origin, collection and processing to the end use for household purposes. I also discussed the issues that make rainwater difficult to capture and treat for the final usage.

Keywords:filtration, rainwater, rainwater harvesting, treatment

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