
Analiza izgorelosti zaposlenih na centru za socialno delo : diplomsko delo
ID Šifrer, Manca (Author), ID Stare, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Izgorelost nastane zaradi bremen, s katerimi se spopadamo v vsakdanjem življenju in na delovnem mestu. Nastane zaradi dolgotrajne in intenzivne izpostavljenosti stresnim situacijam, simptomi pa vplivajo na telo, na čustveno doživljanje, mišljenje in na odnos do dela. Razloge za nastanek izgorelosti najdemo v družbenih okoliščinah, osebnostih lastnostih in psiholoških okoliščinah dela. Izgorevanje poteka postopoma, skozi daljše časovno obdobje, zato je tudi zdravljenje sorazmerno temu. Pogosto se pojavi predvsem pri strokovnjakih v službah pomoči. Zaposleni na centrih za socialno delo spadajo v skupino, kjer je tveganje za izgorelost zelo veliko. Diplomsko delo obravnava prisotnost izgorelosti med zaposlenimi in kaj je glavni vir izgorelosti. V teoretičnem delu so povzeta stališča in spoznanja sodobne razpoložljive znanstvene in strokovne literature, člankov ter publikacij z metodo kompilacije. V empiričnem delu je opravljena raziskava s kvantitativnim metodološkim pristopom, tj. z uporabo anketnega vprašalnika. Pridobljeni rezultati so pokazali, da izgorevanje v organizacijah ni prisotno, vendar zaposleni občutijo nekatere simptome izgorelosti, kot so kronična in duševna utrujenost, upadi energije in razdražljivost. Ti se pojavljajo redko oziroma včasih, zato ne moremo govoriti o izgorelosti. Lahko pa rečemo, da je v organizacijah prisotna delovna izčrpanost. Ugotovitve kažejo, da preobremenjenost z delovnimi nalogami in pomanjkanje kadra povečujeta tveganje za izgorelost med zaposlenimi na centru za socialno delo. Dobljeni rezultati so pomembni tako za zaposlene kot za vodstvo, saj nakazujejo na rizične dejavnike, ki jih je treba odpraviti, saj zaposlenim povzročajo stres in bi kasneje lahko privedli do izgorelosti. Obenem pa pomagajo osvetliti področja, pri katerih bi bilo treba izboljšati trenutno stanje.

Keywords:izgorelost, vzroki izgorevanja, posledice izgorelosti, preprečevanje izgorelosti, center za socialno delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Šifrer]
Number of pages:IX, 71 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137274 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:111424771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of burnout among social care centre workers
Burnout occurs because of the burdens we have to deal with in our everyday lives and in the workplace. It occurs because of prolonged and intense exposure to stressful situations; its symptoms affect our body, our emotional reactions, our thoughts and our attitude towards work. The reasons for burnout lie in the social circumstances, one's personality traits, and the psychological circumstances at work. Burnout develops gradually, over a longer period of time, which is why its treatment is also long-term. It often arises among professionals working in assistance services. Employees of social work centres belong to a group with a very high risk of burnout. The diploma thesis examines whether burnout is present among employees and what the main source of burnout is. The theoretical section summarizes the views and findings of the available contemporary scientific and scholarly literature, articles and publications using the compilation method. In the empirical section we conducted research applying the quantitative methodological approach using a survey questionnaire. Based on the obtained results, it has been determined that burnout is not present in these organizations, but that employees are experiencing certain burnout symptoms, such as chronic and mental fatigue, lack of energy and irritability. These symptoms emerge rarely or occasionally, so we cannot speak of actual burnout. However, it can be said that work exhaustion is present in these organizations. Findings show that being entrusted with too many work assignments and experiencing a shortage of staff increase the risk of burnout among employees at the Social Work Centre. The obtained results are important for both the employees and the management, as they indicate the risk factors that should be eliminated because they are causing stress among employees and might eventually lead to burnout. The results have also highlighted the areas in which the current situation should be improved.

Keywords:burnout, causes of burnout, effects of burnout, preventing burnout, social work centre

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