
Poglabljanje fizikalnih in kemijskih vsebin predmeta naravoslovje in tehnika s sošolčevo razlago v 4. razredu osnovne šole
ID Uršič, Klara (Author), ID Pavlin, Jerneja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7219/ This link opens in a new window

S posodobitvijo šolstva so veljavo pridobile aktivne metode poučevanja, katerih cilj je spodbuditi učenca k miselni aktivnosti z namenom usvajanja in poglabljanja znanja. Ena od metod je vrstniško učenje, pri katerem učenec v usmerjeni interakciji s svojimi sošolci izboljšuje svojo komunikacijsko kompetenco in pri tem uporabi znanje, ki ga že ima, hkrati pa ga poglablja in na novo konstruira. Tehnika učenja s sošolčevo razlago (angl. Peer Instruction, v nadaljevanju PI), ki jo je utemeljil profesor fizike Eric Mazur, ima več korakov, eden od njih vključuje diskusijo med sošolci v majhnih skupinah. Z uporabo tehnike PI lahko učenci razrešijo napačne predstave o naravoslovnih pojmih, poglobijo znanje, tako da postane trajnejše, in spremenijo interes za učenje naravoslovja. Tehnika je večinoma uporabljena v višjem izobraževanju, raziskave pa nakazujejo na smiselnost njene vpeljave v primarno izobraževanje. V magistrskem delu smo tehniko uporabili, da bi ugotovili, v kolikšni meri lahko prednosti omenjene tehnike zaznamo pri učencih 4. razreda osnovne šole. V raziskavo so bili vključeni učenci in učitelji štirih oddelkov 4. razreda osnovne šole, skupaj 81 učencev in štirje učitelji. Tehnika PI je bila uporabljena za utrjevanje in poglabljanje znanja dveh sklopov učnih vsebin predmeta naravoslovje in tehnika, imenovanih Snovi in njihove lastnosti ter Elektrika in magnetizem. Eno učno vsebino je po predlogi izvedla ena od učiteljic z uporabo tehnike PI in v intervjuju poročala o rezultatih. Podatki o odgovorih učencev pred in po diskusiji s sošolci so bili zbrani z glasovalnim sistemom Plickers. Pozni preizkus smo izvedli 14 dni po vsaki učni uri poglabljanja učne vsebine. Učenci so pred prvim učnim sklopom izpolnili vprašalnik o interesu za naravoslovje in tehniko, ob zaključku raziskave pa so v vprašalniku o tehniki PI tako učenci kot učitelji podali svoje mnenje o uporabljeni tehniki. Podatki so bili analizirani na osnovi deskriptivne in inferenčne statistike. Ugotovili smo, da je število pravilnih odgovorov na vprašanja po posvetu s sošolci statistično pomembno večje kot pri glasovanju pred posvetom. Število pravilnih odgovorov tudi po 14 dneh, ko smo izvedli pozni preizkus, ne upade, torej znanje, poglobljeno in pridobljeno s tehniko PI, nakazuje na trajnost. Ocena pri predmetu NIT je povezana s številom popravljenih odgovorov, pri čemer imajo učenci z oceno 5 večje število pravilnih odgovorov, učenci z oceno 3 pa več popravljenih odgovorov, torej večji napredek v znanju (podan kot g-faktor). Interes učencev za naravoslovje ne korelira z višino napredka, torej je tehnika učinkovita za vse učence, tj. ne glede na interes za naravoslovje. Učenci imajo o tehniki PI dobro mnenje, učitelji omenjenih štirih oddelkov vidijo veliko prednosti, zavedajo pa se tudi zahtevnosti priprave kakovostnih vprašanj, ki vplivajo na uspešnost tehnike PI. Uporabljen glasovalni sistem (aplikacijo Plickers) vrednotijo kot pozitivno tako učenci kot učitelji. Ugotovitve prispevajo k prepoznavanju tehnike učenja s sošolčevo razlago kot učinkovite za pouk naravoslovja in tehnike v 4. razredu osnovne šole, zaradi česar bi bilo nadaljnje raziskovanje področja smotrno.

Keywords:naravoslovje in tehnika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137242 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:110705667 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Delving into physical and chemical contents of the science and technology subject with peer instruction approach in the 4th grade of elementary school
With the modernization of education, active teaching methods have gained prominence. Their aim is to encourage students to engage in mental activity to learn and deepen their knowledge. One of the methods is peer learning, where the student in directed interaction with his classmates progresses in communication competence, using the knowledge he already has, and at the same time deepens and constructs it anew. The Peer instruction technique, grounded by physics professor Eric Mazur, has several steps, one of which involves a small group discussion with classmates. By using the PI technique, students can solve misconceptions in science concepts, deepen their knowledge and make it more permanent, and change their interest in learning science. The technique is mostly used in higher education, and research shows it is sensible to introduce it in primary education as well. In the master's thesis, we used the technique to determine the extent to which positive effects of the technique can be detected in students of the 4th grade of primary school. The study included students and teachers of four departments of the 4th grade of primary school, a total of 81 students and four teachers. The PI technique was used to consolidate and deepen knowledge in two sets of contents from subject science and technology, substances and their properties, electricity, and magnetism. Data on student responses before and after discussion with classmates were collected using the Plickers voting system. A late test was performed 14 days after each lesson of deepening the content. Before the first learning session, students completed a questionnaire on interest in science and technology, and at the end of the research, students and teachers gave their opinion on the technique used in the questionnaire on PI technique. Data were analysed at the level of descriptive and inferential statistics. We found that the number of correct answers after discussion with classmates was statistically significantly higher than before the discussion. The number of correct answers does not decrease even after 14 days, when we performed a late test, so the knowledge deepened and acquired with the PI technique indicates permanence. The students' grade in subject NIT is statistically related to the number of corrected answers, students with grade 5 have a higher number of correct answers, but students with grade 3 have more corrected answers, which shows greater progress in knowledge (given as the g -factor). Students' interest in science does not correlate with the level of progress, so the technique is effective for all students, regardless of their interest in science. Students have a good opinion about the PI technique, the teachers of the four departments see many advantages, and they are also aware of the complexity of preparing quality questions that affect the success of the PI technique. The used voting system Plickers is positively evaluated by both students and teachers. The findings contribute to the recognition of Peer Instruction technique as effective for science and technology lessons in the 4th grade of primary school and imply further research in the field.

Keywords:Science and Technology

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