
Posledice covida-19 v domu za stare ljudi : magistrsko delo
ID Strupi, Ana (Author), ID Leskošek, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala, kakšne posledice so ukrepi glede koronavirusne bolezni v domovih za stare pustili na čustvih in občutkih stanovalcev v domu za stare ljudi in kako je pojav koronavirusa spremenil vsakdanje življenje njihovih stanovalcev. Zanimalo me je, kakšno je mnenje stanovalcev doma za stare ljudi o covidu-19 in o ukrepih proti širitvi koronavirusa, ki jih je sprejel dom za stare. Raziskovala sem tudi perspektivo sorodnikov stanovalcev doma za stare ljudi, pri čemer me je zanimalo, kakšne občutke imajo svojci, ki zaradi ukrepov za zajezitev širjenja koronavirusa niso smeli obiskovati svojih sorodnikov, in kakšno je njihovo mnenje o ukrepih, ki jih je sprejel dom za zajezitev širjenja koronavirusa. Pri raziskovanju sem se nazadnje osredotočila tudi na delo socialnih delavk v domu za stare v času covida-19, pri čemer me je zanimalo, kako poteka delo socialne delavke v domu za stare ob pojavu koronavirusa. V teoretičnem delu sem obravnavala epidemijo covida-19 in pojav koronavirusa v domu za stare ljudi. Predstavila sem Raziskavo Zagovornika načela enakosti o razmerah v domovih za stare ljudi v prvem valu epidemije covida-19. Pisala sem o počutju ljudi ob pojavu koronavirusa ter socialnem delu v domu za stare ljudi v času epidemije covida-19 ter o potrebah po dolgotrajni oskrbi. Nadaljevala sem s predstavitvijo Centra slepih, slabovidnih in starejših Škofja Loka, kjer sem opravila svojo raziskavo. Raziskava je kvalitativna in je vključevala deset stanovalcev Centra slepih, slabovidnih in starejših Škofja Loka, ki so bili na dan mojega intervjuja na razporedu (razpored določi CSS) za izhod iz sobe in sprehod po parku ter so želeli odgovarjati na moja vprašanja. Raziskava je vključevala tudi deset sorodnikov stanovalcev Centra slepih, slabovidnih in starejših Škofja Loka, ki so na dan mojega intervjuja prišli obiskat svojce v dom za stare ljudi (razpored določi CSS) ter so bili pripravljeni odgovarjati na moja vprašanja in sodelovati v raziskavi. Populacija moje raziskave sta bili tudi socialni delavki, zaposleni v Centru slepih, slabovidnih in starejših Škofja Loka med 18. 11. 2020 in 17. 12. 2020. Ugotovila sem, da situacija s covidom-19 v stanovalcih vzbuja negativne občutke, kot so strah, osamljenost, utesnjenost in nemir. Pojav koronavirusa je močno spremenil vsakdanje življenje stanovalcev v domu. Ves čas so bili zaprti v svoji sobi, vse aktivnosti za stare ljudi so se v domu prenehale. Stanovalci menijo, da je koronavirus bolj nevaren za stare ljudi in ljudi s kroničnimi boleznimi. Večina stanovalcev in sorodnikov si želi, da bi sprejeli drugačne ukrepe za zajezitev širjenja koronavirusa v domu za stare. Sorodniki so zaradi prepovedi obiskov doživljali neprijetno počutje. Soočali so se z nespečnostjo, negativnimi mislimi, neprestano so razmišljali o dogajanju v domu, občutili so stisko. Situacija je bila zanje obremenjujoča. Delo socialnih delavk je bilo v času prvega in drugega vala epidemije drugačno kot pred epidemijo covida-19. Delo je deloma potekalo od doma in deloma v domu za stare ljudi, kjer pa nista opravljali samo svojega dela, temveč sta pomagali tudi na oddelkih oziroma kjer je bila pomoč potrebna.

Keywords:posledice covida-19, dom za stare ljudi, socialno delo v domu za stare ljudi, koronavirus
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Strupi]
Number of pages:254 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137217 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:114214915 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The Consequences of covid-19 Measures in a Nursing Home
In my master's thesis, I research how the measures implemented for dealing with covid-19 affected the emotions and feelings of nursing home residents and how the occurrence of covid-19 changed their daily lives. I was interested in the opinions of nursing home residents about covid-19, as well as their opinions on the measures taken by the nursing home management to prevent the spread of covid-19. Furthermore, I researched the perspective of relatives of nursing home residents. I wanted to explore the feelings of relatives of residents who were not allowed to visit their relatives due to the measures adopted to stop the spread of covid-19 and what were their opinions of the measures taken by the nursing home. In the survey, I also focus on social workers in a nursing home during the covid-19 pandemic, on how they performed their work in a nursing home during a covid-19 outbreak. In the theoretical part, I describe the covid-19 epidemic and the outbreak of covid-19 in a nursing home. I present the Equality Advocate's Survey on the Situation in Homes for the Elderly during the First Wave of the covid-19 Epidemic. I describe the well-being of people during an outbreak of covid-19, social work activities in a nursing home during the covid-19 epidemic and the need for long-term care. I continue by presenting the case of the Centre for the Blind, Visually Impaired and the Elderly in Škofja Loka, where I conducted my survey. I performed a qualitative survey, which included ten residents of the Centre for the Blind, Visually Impaired and the Elderly in Škofja Loka. On the day of my scheduled survey interview (as determined by the Social Work Centre), those individuals were able to leave their room, walk to the park and were willing to answer my questions. The survey also included ten relatives of residents from the Centre for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Elderly in Škofja Loka, who came to visit their relatives in the nursing home (their visits were scheduled by the Social Work Centre). These relatives were willing to answer my questions and participate in the survey. The population of my survey also included social workers who were employed at the Centre for the Blind, Visually Impaired and the Elderly in Škofja Loka between 18 November 2020 and 17 December 2020. I have found that the situation with covid-19 evoked negative feelings in nursing home residents, such as fear, loneliness, feeling trapped and restlessness. The outbreak of covid-19 dramatically changed the daily lives of the nursing home residents, as they were locked into their rooms all the time and all of the activities in the nursing home were cancelled. Residents believe that covid-19 is more dangerous for the elderly and people with chronic diseases. Most residents and relatives wanted the nursing home to take different measures to stop the spread of covid-19 in the nursing home. The relatives were distressed too and experienced discomfort due to the ban on their visits. They suffered from insomnia and having negative thoughts, they were constantly thinking about what was going on in the nursing home. Such situation was a burden for them. The work of social workers during the first and second wave of the epidemic was different than before the covid-19 epidemic. They worked partly from home and partly in a nursing home, where they not only performed the work of social workers, but also helped in wards or wherever help was needed.

Keywords:consequences of covid-19, nursing home, social work in a nursing home, covid-19

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