
Vrednotenje prostorskih rešitev z večparametrskimi modeli : doktorska disertacija
ID Berčič, Tomaž (Author), ID Ažman Momirski, Lučka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bohanec, Marko (Comentor)

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Odločanje v arhitekturnem in urbanističnem oblikovanju prostora je proces, v katerem naj bi bila izbrana tista različica, alternativa, prostorskega problema, ki najbolj ustreza zastavljenim ciljem in zahtevam. Proces načrtovanja prostora izhaja iz oblikovanja množice rešitev, ki so razvrščene, analizirane in na koncu izbrane, zavržene ali ovrednotene ter rangirane v odnosu do drugih alternativ. Metoda načrtovanja temelji tako na fizični simulaciji prostora – risbi in maketi kot tudi na digitalni (računalniški) simulaciji abstraktnega modela. Cilj raziskave je prikazati možnost uporabe večkriterijskih modelov vrednotenja pri izbiranju prostorskih rešitev, implementirati (realizirati) model v okolju Rhino 6, preizkusiti model na primeru konkretnega arhitekturnega natečaja in preizkusiti ter primerjati šest metod večkriterijskega vrednotenja za predlagane prostorske rešitve: analizo prednosti in slabosti, metode PMI, metodo Abacon, metodo K-T, metodo MAUT in metodo DEX. Za preveritev hipoteze in raziskovalnih vprašanj je bilo izbrano gradivo zaključenega, javnega, projektnega, odprtega, anonimnega, enostopenjskega arhitekturnega natečaja, ki ga je razpisala Zbornica za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije (ZAPS) za večstanovanjske stavbe z zunanjo ureditvijo na lokaciji Polje III v Ljubljani. Izbrane rešitve so bile ovrednotene z naštetimi večkriterijskimi metodami. Za prve tri izbrane večkriterijske metode lahko ugotovimo, da so izrazito subjektivne, preveč nenatančne in zato neprimerne za vrednotenje rešitev prostorskega problema. Kompleksnejši večkriterijski metodi K-T in MAUT sta obe objektivnejši in primernejši za vrednotenje v oblikovalskem procesu. Metoda DEX je ena izmed večkriterijskih metod, ki za ocenjevanje uporablja simbolne parametre. Med analiziranimi večkriterijskimi metodami je glede na določene kriterije metoda MAUT najboljša in najuporabnejša za vrednotenje prostorskih problemov.

Keywords:doktorske disertacije, odločanje v arhitekturi, večkriterijske metode odločanja, arhitekturni natečaji, proces odločanja, podpora pri odločanju
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Berčič]
Number of pages:318 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137203 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:58917123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of spatial solutions trough multiparametric models
Decision making in architectural and urban design is a process of selecting the alternative solution to the spatial problem that best meets the set goals and requirements. The spatial planning process is based on the creation of a set of solutions that are sorted, analysed and finally selected, discarded or evaluated in the process and ranked in relation to other solutions. The planning process is based on both the physical simulation of the space - drawings and models - and the digital (computer) simulation of the abstract model. The research objective is to present the possibility of using multicriteria evaluation models in the selection of spatial solutions, to implement (realise) the model in Rhino 6 environment, to test the model on the example of a current architectural competition and to test and compare six methods of multicriteria evaluation for proposed spatial solutions; analysis of advantages and disadvantages, PMI method, Abacon method, K-T method, MAUT method and DEX methodology. To test the hypothesis and research questions, documentation was selected from a closed, public, project-based, open, anonymous, single-stage architectural competition. The selected solutions were evaluated using the six methods. For the first three selected multicriteria methods, we can state that they are very subjective, not too precise and as such unsuitable for evaluating solutions to the spatial problem. The K-T and MAUT methods are both more objective and more suitable for evaluation in the design process in different cases. The DEX method is a representative of multi-criteria methods that uses symbolic parameters in evaluation. According to the defined criteria, MAUT method of multicriteria decision making has proved to be the best or most useful method among the analysed methods.

Keywords:doctoral dissertations, decision-making in architecture, multi-criteria decision-making methods, architectural competitions, decision-making process, decision support

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