
Beljakovine insektov v prehrani psov
ID Lakner, Patricija (Author), ID Pirman, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Beljakovine spadajo med makrohranila in so zelo pomemben del tako prehrane ljudi kot tudi živali, saj je za normalno delovanje organizma pomemben ustrezen prehranski vnos kakovostnih beljakovin. Eden izmed najbolj kakovostnih virov je meso, ki je hkrati tudi zelo pomembna komponenta pri sestavi obroka za psa. Popoln obrok za psa vsebuje približno 80 % mesnega deleža ter približno 20 % zelenjavno-rastlinskega dela. Posledice nepravilno sestavljenih obrokov se pri psih lahko kažejo na različne načine, največkrat se pojavijo prebavne motnje, poslabšano delovanje imunskega sistema, motnje v rasti in razvoju ter težave s kondicijo. V zadnjih letih pri psih beležimo porast alergij na določene vire živalskih beljakovin v krmi, zato so številni proizvajalci začeli razvijati različne tehnologije in uporabljati druge surovine, ki bi s svojo kakovostjo vseeno pokrile vse potrebe po makro in mikro hranilih. Eden takšnih primerov je vključevanje beljakovin črne bojevniške muhe (Hermetia illucens) v pasjo krmo, katere vzreja je enostavna, saj imajo hiter življenjski cikel in ne potrebujejo veliko prostora. Poleg tega so ličinke insektov hipoalergen vir beljakovin ter ne predstavljajo obremenitve za okolje. Insekti pri vzreji prav tako ne potrebujejo veliko krme, zato sta strošek vzreje ter poraba surovin veliko manjša kot pri konvencionalnih rejah farmskih živali.

Keywords:psi, prehrana živali, beljakovine, insekti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137192 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:110617091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Insect protein in dog nutrition
Proteins are macronutrients that are very important for both human and animal nutrition. Proper intake of high quality protein is important for normal functioning of the body. One of the highest quality sources is meat, which is also a very important component in the composition of the dog's meal. A complete meal contains about 80% meat and about 20% vegetable or fruit content. The consequences of improperly composed meals can manifest themselves in dogs in a number of ways, most commonly through digestive disorders, impaired immune function, impaired growth and development, and condition problems. In recent years, allergies to certain animal protein sources in dog food have increased, so many manufacturers have begun to develop different technologies and use other raw materials that still meet all the macro- and micronutrient needs. One example is the use of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) proteins in dog food, which is easy to grow because it has a fast life cycle and does not require much space. In addition, insect larvae are a hypoallergenic source of protein and are not a burden on the environment. Insects also do not need much feed for breeding, so the cost of breeding and consumption of raw materials is much lower than conventional livestock.

Keywords:dogs, animal nutrition, proteins, insects

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