
Lasersko pretaljevanje magnezijevih zlitin ZK60 in AZ80
ID Usorac, Slaviša (Author), ID Šturm, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi so opisani in predstavljeni rezultati eksperimentalne analize laserskega pretaljevanja magnezijevih zlitin AZ80 in ZK60. Vzorce smo lasersko pretalili z in brez dovoda zaščitnega plina, s tem da, smo lahko naredili primerjavo lasersko površinskega sloja vzorca z in brez dovoda zaščitnega plina. V okviru diplomske naloge za optimalno lasersko pretaljevanje je bilo treba nastaviti takšne parametre, da se vzorec pod laserskim žarkom raztali, vendar se ne upari. Izbrani parametri so bili tako določeni s preliminarnimi testi, kjer smo dobili optimalno globino in širino pretaljenega sloja. Po laserskem pretaljevanju smo izvedli metalografsko analizo vzorcev pod mikroskopom, da se prepričamo o njihovi mikrostrukturi. Prav tako smo s pomočjo analize pod mikroskopom izbrali optimalne laserske pogoje za dosego želene kakovosti pretaljenega površinskega sloja. Nato smo po metalografski analizi, pripravljene vzorce uporabili pri merjenju mikrotrdote ter merjenje dimenzij pretaljenega sloja. Potem smo v nadaljevanju en del vzorca lasersko pretalili z prekrivanjem sledi, ter ga uporabili za analizo hrapavosti površine in meritev korozijske odpornosti. Cilj in namen diplomske naloge je bilo ugotoviti, kakšni so optimalni pogoji laserskega pretaljevanja magnezijevih zlitin AZ80 in ZK60. Želeli smo tudi ugotoviti, kakšen vpliv ima lasersko pretaljevanje na njuno mikrostrukturo, mikrotrdoto, hrapavost ter korozijsko odpornost, pri različnimi pogoji obdelave.

Keywords:lasersko pretaljevanje, magnezijeve zlitine ZK60 in AZ80, mikrostruktura, mikrotrdota, hrapavost, korozijska odpornost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Usorac]
Number of pages:XXIV, 68 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137176 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:110796291 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Laser remelting of magnesium alloys ZK60 and AZ80
The diploma thesis describes and presents the results of experimental analysis of laser remelting of magnesium alloys AZ80 and ZK60. The samples were laser remelted with and without shielding gas supply, so that we could compare the laser surface layer of the sample with and without shielding gas supply. As part of the diploma thesis for optimal laser remelting, it was necessary to set such parameters that the sample under the laser beam melts but does not evaporate. The selected parameters were thus determined by preliminary tests, where we obtained the optimal depth and width of the remelted layer. After laser remelting, we performed metallographic analysis of the samples under a microscope to ascertain their microstructure. Also, with the help of analysis under a microscope, we selected the optimal laser conditions to achieve the desired quality of the remelted surface layer. Then, after metallographic analysis, the prepared samples were used to measure the microhardness and to measure the dimensions of the molten layer. Then, one part of the sample was laser-melted by covering the traces, and it was used to analyze the surface roughness and measure the corrosion resistance. The aim and purpose of the diploma thesis was to determine the optimal conditions for laser remelting of magnesium alloys AZ80 and ZK60. We also wanted to find out what effect laser remelting has on their microstructure, microhardness, roughness and corrosion resistance, under different processing conditions.

Keywords:laser remelting, magnesium alloys, microstructure, microhardness, surface roughness, corrosion resistance

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