
Vpeljava lesenih zagozd v proces zagotavljanja montažne sile v navitjih transformatorja
ID Obreza, Leon (Author), ID Kramar, Davorin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem času je prisoten trend zmanjševanja hrupnosti transformatorja, kar nakazujejo kupčeve zahteve. Zaradi tega smo pri izdelavi transformatorja primorani nenehno iskati nove rešitve. Velik del hrupnosti transformatorja je odvisen od hrupnosti navitja. S stabilnostjo navitja zmanjšamo hrupnost le-tega. To dosežemo, če zagotovimo dovolj veliko silo stiskanja navitja. Obstoječi način fiksiranja navitja je izveden z vzmetmi in je stroškovno, varnostno ter montažno dokaj nekonkurenčno. Vpeljali smo nov način fiksiranja z lesenimi zagozdami. Ta je olajšal in skrajšal čas montaže navitij. Pri tem smo morali upoštevati dejstvo, da se višine navitij med montažo lahko spreminjajo. Zaradi tega smo morali določiti ustrezne dimenzije in oblike zagozd. Višina navitja se spreminja tudi zaradi procesa sušenja, zato smo pred sušenjem in po njem izvajali meritve in na podlagi rezultatov dodatno prilagodili zagozde.

Keywords:transformator, navitje, magnetno jedro, hrup, lesena zagozda, vibracije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Obreza]
Number of pages:XXII, 47 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137173 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:110725635 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.06.2022
OBREZA, Leon, 2022, Vpeljava lesenih zagozd v proces zagotavljanja montažne sile v navitjih transformatorja [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : L. Obreza. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Introduction of wooden wedges in the process of providing mounting force in transformer windings
Due to a trend of reducing the noise of the transformer, which is indicated by customer requirements. Due to this, we are constantly forced to look for new solutions in the manufacture of transformers. Much of the noise of a transformer depends on the noise of the winding. The stability of the winding reduces the noise level. This is achieved by providing a sufficiently large compressive force of the winding. The existing method of fixing the winding is made with springs and is quite uncompetitive in terms of cost, safety and installation. We introduced a new way of fixing with wooden wedges. The new method has facilitated and shortened the assembly time of the windings. We had to take into account the fact that the heights of the windings can change during installation. Because of this, we had to determine the appropriate dimensions and shapes of the wedges. The height of the winding also changes due to the drying process, so we performed measurements before and after drying, and based on the results, we further adjusted the wedges.

Keywords:transformer, winding, magnetic core, noise, wooden wedge, vibrations

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