
Vrednotenje potencialnih mutagenih nečistot v sintezi vortioksetina z vidika regulatornih zahtev : doktorska disertacija
ID Kragelj Lapanja, Nevenka (Author), ID Doljak, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V sklopu raziskovalnega dela za doktorsko disertacijo smo na praktičnem primeru sinteze učinkovine vortioksetin, katere razvoj je potekal v farmacevtskem podjetju Lek d.d., uporabili pristop določitve teoretičnih faktorjev očiščenja (TFO) za vrednotenje mutagenih nečistot. Pristop je opisan v smernici ICH M7: »Assessment and control of DNA reactive (mutagenic) impurities in pharmaceuticals to limit potential carcinogenic risk«, ki je junija 2014 stopila v fazo implementacije s strani regulatornih oblasti. Poleg spremljanja in deklariranja mutagenih nečistot na specifikaciji učinkovine, vstopnega materiala ali intermediata, ima farmacevtska industrija preko smernice ICH M7 na voljo še četrto možnost, ki sloni na razumevanju procesa sinteze in na oceni vpliva procesnih parametrov na nivo pridobljenih in nastalih nečistot. Fizikalno-kemijski parametri nečistot namreč vplivajo na stopnjo njihovega odstranjevanja; kot je na primer njihova kemijska reaktivnost, topnost, hlapnost, ionizabilnost ter druge lastnosti, ki omogočajo odstranjevanje nečistot preko fizikalnih procesov (npr. pri kromatografiji). Če naštetim parametrom pripišemo številčne vrednosti, lahko na ta način izračunamo faktor očiščenja, na podlagi katerega lahko določimo, s kakšno verjetnostjo bomo določeno nečistoto odstranili skozi celotni sintezni proces. Ta pristop je predlagal in prvi opisal A. Teasdale s sodelavci. Če bi pristop upoštevale regulatorne oblasti, bi to za farmacevtsko industrijo pomenilo zmanjšanje časovnega in finančnega tveganja ter bremena, ki nastane zaradi razvoja zahtevnih analitskih metod za vrednotenje mutagenih nečistot. Predlagani pristop izračuna TFO je bil v zadnjih letih uporabljen na številnih praktičnih primerih. Rezultati kažejo na to, da lahko s tem pristopom precej dobro napovemo sposobnost očiščenja nečistot skozi proces ter, da so teoretično določene vrednosti precej konservativne, posebno v primeru ločitve na podlagi topnosti. To pomeni, da je verjetnost, da bi precenili sposobnost očiščenja procesa s tem pristopom zelo malo verjetna. Ustreznost in uporabnost opisanega pristopa smo v sklopu doktorske disertacije ocenili na primeru sinteze vortioksetina. V prvem delu doktorske disertacije smo za štiri potencialno mutagene nečistote, ki lahko nastanejo v sintezi vortioksetina izračunali TFO. Na podlagi poznavanja in spremljanja poteka sinteze ter značilnosti vključenih materialov smo določili vrednosti za naslednje fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti: kemijska reaktivnost, topnost, hlapnost, ionizabilnost in sposobnost prekristalizacije. Čeprav je po osnovnem pristopu, ki ga je opisal Teasdale, prekristalizacija zajeta znotraj opisa topnosti, smo na primeru vortioksetina sposobnost prekristalizacije obravnavali kot samostojen fizikalni proces namenjen očiščenju, saj je bil s tem namenom tudi vpeljan v sintezo. Teoretične izračune smo nato primerjali z analitsko določenimi, ki so bili pridobljeni na podlagi praktičnih raziskav sposobnosti očiščenja skozi sintezni proces ( »deplecijske« študije). Pokazalo se je, da so izračunani TFO zelo konservativni, predvsem v primeru ločitve na podlagi topnosti. Konservativnost pristopa je zelo pomembna zaradi morebitnih odstopanj v procesu, z uporabo konservativnih vrednosti pa tudi zmanjšamo verjetnost, da bi precenili sposobnost očiščenja nečistot skozi sintezni proces. Na praktičnem primeru smo pokazali, da pristop določitve TFO predstavlja dobro podporo pri izbiri ustrezne kontrolne strategije določenih nečistot. Na podlagi izračunanega TFO za eno izmed nečistot lahko namreč napovemo njeno dobro sposobnost očiščenja skozi proces, TFO za ostale nečistote pa nakazujejo potrebo po nadaljnjih analizah in kontroli v procesu. V drugem delu doktorske disertacije smo uporabo pristopa določitve TFO razširili na uporabo pri izboru in utemeljitvi ustreznih vstopnih materialov (VM). Dva izmed treh regulatornih VM v sintezi vortioksetina sta namreč mutagena, zaradi njune prisotnosti pa lahko nastanejo druge mutagene nečistote. V skladu z veljavno regulativo je možnost nastanka in očiščenja nečistot, ki lahko izhajajo iz izbranih VM, eden izmed glavnih kriterijev pri izbiri ustreznih VM. V sklopu raziskovalnega dela za doktorsko disertacijo smo pokazali, da lahko na podlagi izračunanih TFO za mutagen VM 1 in z njim povezane mutagene nečistote napovemo njihovo visoko stopnjo očiščenja. Enako lahko trdimo za vse nečistote, ki lahko izhajajo iz VM 3, medtem ko na podlagi izračunanega TFO za sam VM 3 ne moremo izključiti možnosti njegove prisotnosti v končni zdravilni učinkovini. Zato so za VM 3 potrebne nadaljnje analize in kontrola v procesu. V nadaljevanju raziskovalnega dela smo pristop določitve TFO uporabili tudi za nemutagen VM 2 in z njim povezane nemutagene nečistote, pri čemer smo za določitev zahtevanega očistka uporabili meje za nečistote po ICH Q3A smernici. Ponovno smo pokazali, da ima prekristalizacija, ki je bila vpeljana v proces sinteze vortioksetina, velik vpliv na očiščenje nečistot, zato smo predlagali, da bi prekristalizacija kot stopnja čiščenja predstavljala dodaten kriterij pri utemeljitvi izbire VM. V zadnjem delu doktorske disertacije smo na podlagi odziva, ki smo ga prejeli s strani ameriških zdravstvenih oblasti na vloženo registracijsko dokumentacijo za pridobitev dovoljenja za promet z zdravili, ocenili sprejemljivost pristopa določitve TFO. V določitve TFO smo namreč uporabili kot kontrolno strategijo za večino potencialnih mutagenih nečistot v sintezi vortioksetina. Na podlagi prejetega odziva s strani FDA lahko vidimo, da je pristop določitve TFO sicer sprejemljiv, vendar je bila zahtevana dodatna utemeljitev določitve posameznih faktorjev, skupaj z vsemi dostopnimi eksperimentalnimi podatki. Pokazalo se je tudi, da je agencija zelo previdna pri obravnavi mutagenih ali rakotvornih snovi, ki vstopajo ali nastanejo v zadnjih korakih sinteze zdravilne učinkovine. V primeru mutagenega VM 3 so rezultati izračunanega TFO nakazovali potrebo po nadaljnih analizah, ki so bile tudi izvedene. Rezultati študije prenosa nečistot so pokazali, da je vsebnost VM 3 v vortioksetinu pod 30 % dovoljene meje, zaradi česar rutinsko spremljanje na specifikaciji končne učinkovine ni potrebno. Kljub temu pa utemeljitev ICH M7 kontrolne strategije 4 na podlagi teh rezultatov ni bila sprejeta s strani FDA. V okviru doktorskega dela smo uspešno pokazali uporabnost pristopa na primeru vortioksetina in njegovo sprejemljivost s strani oblasti, katere pa zaenkrat še zahtevajo dodatne utemeljitve izračunanih faktorjev. Uporaba pristopa je v osnovi zelo preprosta, za določitev pravilnih vrednosti pa je potrebno veliko znanja in razumevanja procesa, predvsem pri določanju faktorjev za reaktivnost in topnost, ki imata največji vpliv na odstranjevanje nečistot. Način določitve TFO ter posledično sprejemljivost s strani oblasti se bo najverjetneje povečala z uporabo in silico orodja za določitev TFO. Slednje deluje na podlagi podatkovne baze, ki vsebuje podatke o reaktivnosti določenih snovi pod določenimi pogoji in tipi reakcij. Na ta način določeni TFO tako temeljijo na trdnih znanstvenih dokazih, ki podpirajo napovedane faktorje.

Keywords:določanje gentotoksičnosti, genske mutacije, in vitro testi, vortioksetin, teoretični faktor očiščenja
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Kragelj Lapanja]
Number of pages:153 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137106-599cef72-7a74-2a06-7888-fbddbe83ace2 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:25931523 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Assessment of potential mutagenic impurities in the synthesis of vortioxetine in accordance with regulatory requirements
As part of the research work for the doctoral thesis, we applied the approach of theoretical purge factor (TPF) determination for the evaluation of mutagenic impurities in the synthesis of vortioxetine drug substance, which was developed at the pharmaceutical company Lek d.d. The approach is described in ICH M7 guideline: “Assessment and Control of DNA Reactive (Mutagenic) Impurities and Pharmaceuticals to Limit Potential Carcinogenic Risk”, which entered the implementation phase by regulatory authorities in June 2014. In addition to monitoring and declaring mutagenic impurities on the specification of active substance, starting material or intermediate, the pharmaceutical industry, through the ICH M7 guideline, has a fourth option which is based on an understanding of the synthesis process and on the assessment of the impact of process parameters on the level of impurities obtained and generated. Namely, the physicochemical parameters of impurities affect the degree of their removal; such as their chemical reactivity, solubility, volatility, ionizability, and other properties that allow the removal of impurities through physical processes (e.g., chromatography). By assigning numerical values to these parameters, we can thus calculate the purge factor, based on which we can determine the likelihood that a certain impurity will be removed throughout the synthesis process. This approach was proposed and first described by A. Teasdale et al. If the approach were accepted by regulatory authorities, this would mean for the pharmaceutical industry to reduce the time and financial risk and burden of developing sophisticated analytical methods for evaluating mutagenic impurities. The proposed TPF calculation approach has been used in a number of practical examples in recent years. The results indicate that this approach can pretty well predict the ability to purge impurities through the process and that theoretically determined values are quite conservative, especially in the case of solubility-based separation. This means that the likelihood of overestimating the process's purification capability with this approach is highly unlikely. The suitability and applicability of the described approach was evaluated in the doctoral thesis in the case of vortioxetine synthesis. In the first part of the doctoral thesis, TPF was calculated for four potentially mutagenic impurities that can be formed in the synthesis of vortioxetine. Based on the knowledge and monitoring of the synthesis process and the characteristics of the input materials, we determined values for the following physicochemical properties: chemical reactivity, solubility, volatility, ionizability, and recrystallization ability. Although, according to the principal approach proposed by Teasdale, recrystallization is covered under solubility term, in the case of vortioxetine, recrystallization process was considered to be an individual physical process for purification, since it was introduced in the synthesis for this purpose. Theoretical calculations were then compared with analytically determined values, which were obtained on the basis of practical research of process's purification ability (depletion studies). The calculated TPFs have been shown to be very conservative, especially in the case of solubility-based separation. The conservatism of the approach is very important because of potential deviations in the process, and using conservative values also reduces the likelihood of overestimating the ability of the process to purge impurities. In the practical example, we have shown that the TPF determination approach is a good support in choosing the appropriate control strategy for certain impurities. Based on the calculated TPF for one of the impurities, we can predict a good ability to purge the impurity through the process, and the TPFs for the other impurities indicate the need for further analysis and control in the process. In the second part of the doctoral thesis, we extended the use of the TPF determination approach to use in the selection and justification of appropriate starting materials (SMs). Two of the three regulatory SMs in vortioxetine synthesis are mutagenic, and due to their presence, other mutagenic impurities can be formed. In accordance with curently valid regulations, the possibility of the formation and purification of impurities that may arise from the selected SMs is one of the main criteria in selecting the appropriate SMs. As part of the research work for the doctoral thesis, we have shown that based on the calculated TPF for the mutagenic SM 1 and its related mutagenic impurities, we can predict their high purge ability. The same can be argued for all impurities that may arise from SM 3, whereas, based on the calculated TPF for SM 3 itself, the possibility of its presence in the final drug substance cannot be ruled out. Therefore, further analysis and process control are required for SM 3. In the continuation of the research work, the TPF determination approach was also applied to the non-mutagenic SM 2 and its related non-mutagenic impurities, using the impurity limits according to the ICH Q3A guideline to determine the required purge. Again, we have shown that recrystallization introduced into the vortioxetine synthesis process has a major impact on impurity purification, and we have suggested that recrystallization as a purification step would represent an additional criterion in justifying the selection of SMs. In the last part of the doctoral thesis, we assessed the acceptability of the TPF determination approach, based on the response received from the US health authorities to the registration dossier for obtaining a marketing authorization. Namely, the TPF determination approach was used as a control strategy for most of the potential mutagenic impurities in vortioxetine synthesis. Based on the response received from the FDA, we can see that the TPF determination approach is acceptable, but additional justification for the determination of individual factors was required, together with all available experimental data. The agency also seems to be very cautious when dealing with mutagens or carcinogens entering or resulting from the final steps of drug substance synthesis. In the case of mutagenic SM 3, the results of the calculated TPF indicated the need for further analyses, which were also performed. The results of the impurity carry over study showed that the content of SM 3 in vortioxetine is below 30 % of the acceptable limit, which means there is no need to include routine testing on the specification of the final drug substance. However, the justification of ICH M7 control strategy 4 based on these results was not accepted by the FDA. In this doctoral thesis, we have successfully demonstrated the applicability of the TPF approach on vortioxetine case, and its acceptability by the authorities, which for the time being require additional justifications for the calculated factors. The principle of the approach is very simple, however, a great deal of knowledge and understanding of the process is required to determine the correct values, especially in determining the reactivity and solubility factors which have the greatest impact on the removal of impurities. The manner in which TPFs are determined and the resulting acceptance by the authorities is likely to increase with the use of in silico tool for the determination of TPFs. The latter is based on a database containing data on the reactivity of certain substances under certain conditions and types of reactions. In this way, the determined TPFs are thus based on sound scientific evidence supporting the predicted factors.

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