The purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate how the socially vulnerable experience seeking and receiving financial assistance. We presented their experiences with state institutions and humanitarian organizations of social support. We also presented what emotions they face, what they experience as obstacles and what they think could help them. A qualitative phenomenological descriptive method was used. The sample included 5 participants from the humanitarian organization UP-ornik witch helps socially vulnerable groups. The data were analyzed according to Georgie's method, so we conducted individual interviews, literally transcribed them, read and marked significant units, formed psychologically sensitive descriptions from them and then put together a structure of experiences for each participant individually. In the interpretation we showed the predominant experiences of the participants. They had problems due to a lack of information on support institutions. For support, they were mostly dependent on the whims of social workers. Contrary to our expectations, only three felt ashamed and distressed when seeking help. Most of them blame the state government and social policy for their situation. Their close friends played an important role in seeking help. And most of them used a strategy of modesty to survive.