
Vpliv biostimulanta na podlagi aminokislin in alg na rast in razvoj ameriške borovnice (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) sorte 'Blueray'
ID Petek, Nika (Author), ID Hudina, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti vpliv biostimulanta Amalgerol Essence na rast in razvoj ameriške borovnice (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) sorte 'Blueray'. Poskus se je začel 5. 5. 2020, ko smo posadili sadike sorte 'Blueray' stare tri leta. Po sajenju smo 30. 5. izmerili višino grma in skupno dolžino vseh poganjkov ter prvič tretirali polovico sadik z biostimulantom Amalgerol Essence. Druge polovice sadik nismo tretirali. V nadaljevanju smo meritve opravljali enkrat tedensko. 24. 6. smo obrali prve plodove, prešteli število in stehtali maso plodov. Opravili smo 8 obiranj. V letu 2021 smo z meritvami višine grma ter dolžine skupnih poganjkov nadaljevali ter opravili 6 obiranj plodov. Med poskusom smo ugotovili, da je biostimulant Amalgerol Essence vplival na višino sadik. Prirast skupne dolžine poganjkov je bila večja pri rastlinah, ki smo jih tretirali s pripravkom Amalgerol Essence. Biostimulant Amalgerol Essence je na pridelek vplival zgolj kvantitativno, ne pa tudi kvalitativno, saj smo opazili na tretiranih sadikah sicer več borovnic, vendar so bile le-te zelo drobne, medtem ko so bili na kontrolnih sadikah plodovi večji.

Keywords:sadjarstvo, ameriška borovnica, Vaccinium corymbosum, biostimulant, rast, pridelek
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137000 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.05.2022
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Title:Influence of biostimulant based on amino acids and algae on the growth and development of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cultivar 'Blueray'
The aim of this graduation thesis was to determine the effect of the biostimulant Amalgerol Essence on the growth and development of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cultivar 'Blueray'. The experiment began on 5th May 2020, when we planted three years old plants of the cultivar 'Blueray'. After planting, we measured the height of the bush and the total length of all shoots on 30th May and treated half of the plants with the biostimulant Amalgerol Essence for the first time. The other half of the plants were not treated. Thereafter, measurements were taken once a week. On 24th June, we harvested the first fruits, counted the number and weighed the weight of the fruits. We carried out 8 harvests. In 2021, we continued to measure the height and total length of the shoots and harvested fruits 6-times. During the experiment, we found that the biostimulant Amalgerol Essence affected the height of the plants. The increase in the total length of the shoots was higher in the plants treated with Amalgerol Essence. The biostimulant Amalgerol Essence influenced the yield only quantitatively, but not qualitatively. We see more blueberries on the treated plants, but they were smaller, while the fruit on the untreated plants were larger.

Keywords:fruit growing, blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum, biostimulant, growth, yield

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