
Analiza sodne prakse vročanja v upravnem postopku : magistrsko delo
ID Vodlan, Nataša (Author), ID Sever, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava tematiko splošnega upravnega postopka, podrobneje pa se osredotoča na enega izmed njegovih institutov, to je vročanje. Vročitev v upravnem postopku ima pomembno vlogo, saj dokler akt ni vročen, ni izdan. Ni pa pomembno le, da je akt vročen, vročen mora biti namreč na pravilen način, ki je določen z zakonom. Le na ta način je zagotovljeno varstvo pravic strank v upravnem postopku. Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti institut vročanja v upravnem postopku, proučiti ter izpostaviti najpogostejše dileme, do katerih prihaja pri vročanju v upravnem postopku v praksi. V ta namen sem analizirala sodno prakso Ustavnega, Vrhovnega in Upravnega sodišča Republike Slovenija v obdobju 2016–2020. Rezultati analize so pokazali, da se največ dilem pri vročanju v praksi pojavlja pri vročanju po pooblaščencu ter pri določitvi fiktivne vročitve. Namen je proučiti tudi podobnosti in razlike pravne ureditve vročanja v upravnem postopku med Estonijo in Slovenijo. Pri tem sem najprej analizirala relevantno gradivo na to temo ter povzela bistvene podatke za razumevanje ureditve vročanja v Estoniji. Nato sem pridobljene podatke s pomočjo primerjalne analize primerjala z ureditvijo vročanja v Sloveniji. Rezultati opravljene primerjave ureditev so pokazali, da je med njima več podobnosti kot razlik, je pa slovenski ZUP vsekakor podrobnejši pri urejanju določb tega instituta. Rezultati raziskave lahko služijo kot posodobitev in nadgradnja obstoječih virov na tem področju. Koristijo vsem deležnikom upravnega postopka, tako oblastnim organom kot strankam v postopku, saj na eni strani upravne organe informirajo o stanju dilem, ki se pojavljajo v sodni praksi pri institutu vročanja, ti pa nato lahko stranke v postopkih bolje informirajo o tem institutu in njegovih elementih.

Keywords:upravni postopek, upravni spor, vročanje, fikcija vročitve, sodna praksa
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Vodlan]
Number of pages:IX, 88 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136943 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:109302275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The analysis of case law on service of documents in administrative procedure
The master's thesis deals with the topic of the general administrative procedure and focuses on one of its institutions, i.e., the service of documents. The service of documents plays an important part in the administrative procedure – a document is not issued until it has been served. Not only is it important to serve the document but it has to be served correctly, in the manner laid down by law. Only then will the rights of the parties to the administrative proceedings be guaranteed. The purpose of the master's thesis is to present the institution of the service of documents in an administrative procedure, and to examine and highlight the most common dilemmas encountered when serving documents in an administrative procedure in practice. For that purpose, I analysed the case law of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia in the 2016–2020 period. The results of the analysis show that most dilemmas arise when serving documents by proxy and when specifying fictitious service. Another purpose of the thesis is to examine the similarities and differences in the legal regulation of the service of documents in the administrative procedure between Estonia and Slovenia. I began by analysing the relevant material on this topic and summing up the essential information needed to understand the serving regime in Estonia. Then, I compared the obtained data with the serving regime in Slovenia by means of a comparative analysis. The results of the comparison show that there are more similarities than differences between the two countries; however, the Slovenian General Administrative Procedure Act (GAPA) lays down the provisions of said institution more thoroughly. The research results can be used to update and upgrade the existing sources in this field. They could benefit all the participants in the administrative procedure, i.e., both the authorities and the parties to the proceedings, as they inform the authorities about the dilemmas arising in the case law on the institution of the service of documents, which they can then use to better inform the parties to the proceedings about said institution and its elements.

Keywords:administrative procedure, administrative dispute, service of documents, fictitious service, case law

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