
Literaturni pregled in ocena zdravstvene trditve izbranih zdravilnih učinkovin in prehranskih dopolnil z domnevnim učinkom upočasnjevanja staranja
ID Podlesek, Aleš (Author), ID Pajk, Stane (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Staranja zaenkrat ne obravnavamo kot nekaj patološkega, zato tudi ni uradno priznanih terapij oz. zdravil, s katerimi bi upočasnili ali celo ustavili proces staranja. V magistrski nalogi smo izbrali spojine, za katere »splet« trdi, da upočasnijo staranje: resveratrol, metformin, kurkumin, rapamicin in nikotinamid adenin dinukleotid. Z oblikovanjem iskalnih profilov za posamezne spojine smo v podatkovni bazi PubMed identificirali ustrezne članke v angleškem jeziku. Rezultate smo predstavili po posameznih spojinah (resveratrol, metformin, kurkumin, rapamicin in nikotinamid adenin dinukleotid). Ker trenutno registrirane učinkovine in prehranska dopolnila nimajo indikacije za upočasnitev staranja, smo v magistrski nalogi želeli raziskati, ali obstaja znanstvena podlaga za te trditve, četudi le na osnovi študij na modelnih organizmih. Poleg tega nas je zanimal mehanizem upočasnitve staranja. Ugotovili smo, da metformin, rapamicin in nikotinamid adenin dinukleotid upočasnijo procese staranja pri modelnih organizmih in da je mehanizem delovanja relativno raziskan. Tudi resveratrol po nekaterih študijah upočasni staranje modelnih organizmov, a je več polemik glede mehanizma delovanja, saj deluje na več tarč. Za kurkumin je narejenih premalo študij, da bi lahko naredili podoben zaključek kot pri prvih štirih. Nemogoče pa je prenesti rezultate teh študij na ljudi oz. odgovoriti na vprašanje, ali te učinkovine tudi statistično značilno vplivajo na upočasnitev staranja pri ljudeh in kakšni bi bili stranski učinki. Ker pa je potek staranja zelo povezan z metabolno aktivnostjo, bodo morda nekatere omenjene učinkovine oz. njihovi analogi postali pomembni pri zdravljenju sladkorne bolezni, kar bo ob kronični terapiji morda dalo odgovor na vprašanje, kako vplivajo na življenjsko dobo. Poleg obravnavanega literaturnega pregleda smo na koncu ocenili tudi zdravstvene trditve in tako komentirali povezavo med omenjenimi spojinami in zdravjem človeka.

Keywords:resveratrol, metformin, kurkumin, rapamicin, nikotinamid adenin dinukleotid
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136806 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Literature review and health claim assessment of selected drugs and dietary supplements with potential anti-aging properties
For the time being, we do not consider aging to be something pathological, so there are no officially recognized therapies or medicines to slow down or even stop the aging process. In the master's thesis, we selected compounds that the "web" claims to slow down aging: resveratrol, metformin, curcumin, rapamycin and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. By creating search profiles for each compound, we identified relevant English-language articles in the PubMed database. The results are presented by individual compound (resveratrol, metformin, curcumin, rapamycin and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). As currently registered active ingredients and dietary supplements have no indication for slowing down aging, we wanted to investigate in the master's thesis whether there is a scientific basis for these claims, even if only on the basis of studies on model organisms. In addition to this, we were interested in the mechanism of slowing down aging. We found that metformin, rapamycin, and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide slow down the aging processes in model organisms and that the mechanism of action has been relatively well investigated. According to some studies, resveratrol also slows down the aging of model organisms, but there is more controversy about the mechanism of action, as it acts on several targets. Too few studies have been done for curcumin to be able to draw a similar conclusion as for the first four active ingredients. It is impossible to apply the results of these studies to humans, therefore to answer the question of whether these active ingredients also have a statistically significant effect on slowing down aging in humans and what the side effects would be. However, since the course of aging is very much related to metabolic activity, some of the mentioned active ingredients or their analogues will become important in the treatment of diabetes, which, along with chronic therapy, may provide an answer to the question of how they affect life expectancy. Finally, in addition to the literature review, we also evaluated the health claims to comment on the link between these compounds and human health.

Keywords:resveratrol, metformin, curcumin, rapamycin, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

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