
Digitalizacija vzorcev tipografskih ornamentov in izdelava tiskovin s tehniko knjigotiska
ID Račič, Maja (Author), ID Možina, Klementina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil analizirati tipografske ornamente, izbrane forme ustrezno vektorizirati, osnovati nabor vzorcev, izdelati lesene tiskovne module ter s tehniko visokega tiska (knjigotiska) natisniti serijo grafik. Tiskovine veljajo za reprezentativni povzetek dela in za opredeljen glavni končni cilj. V teoretičnem delu smo s širšim pregledom vsebin in ključnih konceptov postavili temelje tehnični izvedbi. Zaobjeli smo področje tehnike visokega tiska, tipografije in tipografskih merskih sistemov. Preučili smo tipografske ornamente skupaj z načini izdelave in se poglobili v področje modularnih vzorcev. Dotaknili smo se nasprotujočih se pogledov na dekoriranje in predstavili likovno teorijo estetike tudi v kontekstu psihologije ornamentalne umetnosti. V praktičnem delu smo sledili vodilom teoretične zasnove in se ob pregledu priročnika The Manual of Linotype Typography osredotočili na tipografske ornamente Williama Caslona. Izbrane tri module smo prenesli v vektorski zapis krivulj. Na podlagi principov modularnega tvorjenja vzorcev smo oblikovali nabor le-teh. Sledila je laserska gravura lesenih pečatnikov in v končnem koraku visoki tisk grafik. Delo oblikuje nov pogled na zunanjo estetsko dekorativno vlogo ornamentnih vzorcev, predstavi tehnične zakonitosti in služi kot opomnik na pomembnost zavedanja začetkov, ozadja in temeljev. Ob stiku z dekorativnimi elementi lahko pogosto pozabimo na bistvo in tako rekoč skoraj površinsko vrednotimo zgolj z vizualnega vidika estetike. Magistrsko delo k stroki prispeva predvsem z vidika ohranjanja tipografske in tiskarske kulturne dediščine, oživlja in bogati tradicionalne pristope ter vzpostavlja jasno povezavo digitalnega in analognega sveta.

Keywords:knjigotisk, leseni ornament, tipografija, tipografski ornament, vzorci
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136803 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Digitalisation of Typographic Ornamental Patterns and Creation of Letterpress Printed Materials
The thesis aimed to analyze the typographic ornaments, vectorize the selected forms, create a set of patterns, produce wooden printing modules, and print a series of graphics using the letterpress printing technique. The printed graphics are considered to be a representative summary of the thesis and identified as a main goal. In the theoretical part, a broad overview of the themes and key concepts laid the foundations for the practical part. We covered the subjects of letterpress printing, typography, and typographic measurement systems. We looked at typographic ornaments in a sense of their production methods and delved into the field of modular patterns. We touched on the conflicting views on decoration and presented the art theory of aesthetics in the context of the psychology in ornamental art. In the practical part, we followed the theoretical guidelines and focused on William Caslon’s typographic ornaments in The Manual of Linotype Typography. The three selected ornaments have been transformed into the vector curves. Based on the principles of forming the modular patterns, we have developed a set of patterns. This step was followed by the laser engraving of the wooden stamps, while in the final step, the letterpress printing of the graphics took place. The thesis forms a new perspective on the external perception of the aesthetic and decorative role of ornamental patterns. It presents the technical requirements and serves as a reminder. The awareness of the origins, background, and foundations is crucial. When interacting with decorative elements, it is often easy to forget the essence. We almost superficially evaluate solely from a visual point of view. The Master’s thesis contributes to the professional field mainly from the perspective of preserving the typographic and printing cultural heritage, reviving and enriching traditional approaches, and establishing a clear link between the digital and analog worlds.

Keywords:letterpress printing, patterns, typographic ornament, typography, wood type ornament

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