
Učenje prehranskih vsebin pri predmetu gospodinjstvo s pomočjo interaktivnih gradiv, izdelanih s pomočjo H5P
ID Zorman, Špela (Author), ID Lovšin Kozina, Francka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sodobni pristopi poučevanja danes pri vseh predmetih vključujejo sodobno informacijsko-komunikacijsko tehnologijo (IKT). Tudi predmet gospodinjstvo lahko naredimo bolj zanimiv z vključevanjem različnih IKT aktivnosti v pouk. Prav tako pa lahko z razvijanjem digitalne pismenosti povežemo prehransko opismenjevanje. Z magistrskim delom smo želeli pridobiti mnenje učencev in učiteljev o učenju in poučevanju predmeta gospodinjstvo s pomočjo sodobne IKT. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 106 učencev in 27 učiteljev gospodinjstva. Učenci so spoznavali prehransko piramido s pomočjo interaktivnih gradiv, ki smo jih pripravili v spletni učilnici s pomočjo vtičnika H5P. Njihovo znanje o prehranski piramidi smo preverili pred in po ogledu interaktivni gradiv v obliki kviza, interaktivnega videa, časovnega traku in vajo za utrjevanje znanja. Vloga učiteljev pri učni uri je bila pomoč in usmerjanje učencev pri reševanju interaktivnih vsebin H5P. Na koncu ure pa so tako učenci kot učitelji rešili anketni vprašalnik, s katerim smo ugotavljali njihovo mnenje o tovrstnem učenju oziroma poučevanju. Rezultati so pokazali napredek v znanju učencev. Tako smo ugotovili, da medpredmetno povezovanje gospodinjstva in računalništva oz. vključevanje IKT v pouk gospodinjstva pozitivno vpliva na učno uspešnost učencev, še posebej pa veča motiviranost učencev za sodelovanje pri pouku in za sprotno utrjevanje snovi. Izsledki raziskave so pokazali, da je učencem bolj pomembno vključevanje IKT v pouk gospodinjstva kot učiteljem, a tovrstno učenje je všeč tako učencem kot učiteljem, le ob ne prepogosti uporabi. Predmet gospodinjstvo je namreč predmet, pri katerem prevladuje poučevanje s praktičnim delom, zato pa ga lahko popestrimo z IKT v teoretičnem delu.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136590 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:107315459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Learning about nutrition in home economics classes with the help of H5P created interactives
Contemporary teaching approaches today also include modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in all subjects. The Home Economics classes can also be made more interesting by integrating various ICT activities, as well as the developing digital literacy can be linked to food literacy education. With this postgraduate paper we wanted to obtain the opinion of students and teachers about learning and teaching Home Economics by means of modern ICT. 106 students and 27 Home Economics teachers participated in the research. The students learned about the food pyramid by means of interactive materials, which we prepared in a web classroom by means of the H5P Plugin. We tested their knowledge about the food pyramid both before and after viewing the interactive materials in the form of a quiz, interactive video, time band, and a practice exercise. The role of the teacher was to help and guide the students when solving the H5P interactive content. At the end of the lesson, both the students and the teachers answered a survey questionnaire that indicated their opinion on this type of learning or teaching.The results showed progress in students' knowledge. This helped us establish that cross-curricular integration of Home Economics and Computer Science or integration of ICT into Home Economics classes influences their learning success in a positive way. Such integration especially increases the student motivation to actively participate in class and to practice regularly. The results of the research showed that integration of ICT into Home Economics classes is more important to students rather than to teachers, however, both students and teachers like such learning, as long as it is not used too often. Home Economics is actually a subject in which the practical part of teaching is predominant and therefore can be enlivened by using ICT in the theoretical part.

Keywords:Home Economics

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