In this master's thesis, the emphasis was put on the findings related to accidents of primary school children in Slovene mountains between 2006 and 2019. A theoretical framework consists of the most common dangers we can face in mountain world. We presented accident prevention through importance of knowladge, experiences and pedagogical skills. We also summarized a brief history of rescue activity in slovenian mountain world and basics of emergency responses which all adults hiking in mountains with children should know. Our research was based on accidents of primary school children in Slovene mountains according to variables: month, year, gender, terrain dificulty, activity, altitude, the main cause of the accident and the way hiking trip was organized. The number of accidents according to the mentioned variables provided an insight into the circumstances in which accidents are most frequent. Due to this data we were able to identify situations in which greater caution and better prevention are needed. Results of the research were compared to previous researches an mountaineering literature.