In this master's degree thesis the analysis of the possibilities of optimizing the energy production of Medvode HPP on the Sava River was performed. The installation of an additional turbine in this power plant has been a subject of debate and planning for many years. This addition would increase the total installed discharge of Medvode HPP from 150 m3/s to the installed discharge that is equal to the one of the upstream lying Mavčiče HPP with its maximum total discharge reaching 260 m3/s. During this master's degree thesis the effect that various factors have on this hydropower plant system's production will be assessed. The factors that will be discussed are various Medvode HPP conditions (existing condition, addition of another turbine with taking downstream restrictions into account and addition of another turbine without taking downstream restrictions into account), various Mavčiče HPP operating schedules and various inflows to both hydropower plants in relation with time. To get the wanted production results a model of HPP system operation using the data provided by facility operator had to be made. The model results were then evaluated. Each of Medvode HPP conditions was linked with the combination of effects that provided the best result fort he given scenario. The three best combinations were then compared to each other.