
Moški in moškosti v socialnopedagoškem poklicu
ID Jurjaševič, Tara (Author), ID Tašner, Veronika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7167/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo raziskuje, kako socialni pedagogi doživljajo svojo spolno identiteto in kateri so morebitni pozitivni ali negativni vidiki moškosti v feminiziranem poklicu. Feministične študije in študije spola so v zgodovini veliko pozornosti namenjale teoretiziranju binarnosti spola in oblikovanju ženske spolne identitete. Po drugem valu feminizma v 70. letih 20. stoletja se je začelo postopno preizpraševanje moške spolne identitete in temu je sledil razvoj kritičnih študij moških in moškosti. Moškost se je začelo dojemati kot večplastno in mnogotero, posebej izpostavljen je bil koncept hegemone moškosti. Slednja obstaja v relaciji z drugimi moškostmi in ženskim spolom ter zajema ideal moškosti v določenem času in prostoru. Spolna ureditev določa tudi delovne prakse. Posebej spolno zaznamovano je skrbstveno delo, ki je že stoletja v domeni žensk. V socialni pedagogiki, tako kot v večini poklicev, ki se ukvarjajo s skrbjo za druge, še danes najdemo le malo število moških. Raziskava je kvalitativna, za zbiranje podatkov so uporabljeni polstrukturirani intervjuji. Vprašanja so osredotočena na razloge, zakaj se moški odločijo za socialnopedagoški poklic, ali imajo zaradi svoje spolne identitete prednosti ali ovir in kako doživljajo svojo spolno identiteto. Rezultati so pokazali, da se socialni pedagogi poskušajo oddaljiti od dela socialnih pedagoginj, da zavzemajo bolj stereotipno moško vlogo ter da so deležni mnogih prednosti. Njihove izkušnje se razlikujejo glede na njihovo predstavo o svoji moškosti – več težav pri delu izkusijo tisti, ki se ne morejo naslanjati na stereotipno moške lastnosti (kot je npr. fizična moč).

Keywords:feminiziran poklic
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136315 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:105665283 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.05.2022
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Title:Men and masculinities in social pedagogical profession
This master thesis researched how social pedagogues experience their gender identity and the negative and positive sides of masculinities in social pedagogical professions. Feminist studies and gender studies throughout history have largely focused on developing theories around gender binary and the development of women’s gender identity. Following the second wave of feminism in the 1970s, there have been developments that question men's gender identity which resulted in critical studies of men and masculinities. Masculinity was understood as multi-layered and manifold and a concept of hegemonic masculinity was developed. It describes a type of most desirable form of masculinity in a certain society and time and it is shaped in relation to other masculinities and women. Furthermore, gender order also influences labour relations. Care work has been for centuries understood as women's work. In social pedagogy, like in many care professions, women greatly outnumber men. This research is qualitative, half structured interviews were used for gathering data. Questions were focused on understanding why men enter the social pedagogical profession, whether they experience any advantages or disadvantages due to their gender identity and how they experience their masculinity. The analysis has shown that social pedagogues try to differentiate their work from their female colleagues, they take on a more stereotypical male role and experience many benefits. Their experiences differ based on their idea of masculinity – men run into more problems if they can't lean onto their »male« characteristics such as physical strength.


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