
Zgradba in rast macesnovih gozdov v Alpah
ID Fricelj, Blaž (Author), ID Klopčič, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Levanič, Tomislav (Comentor)

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Evropski macesen predstavlja eno ključnih vrst visokogorskih gozdov v Alpah. Preučevali smo zgradbo macesnovih gozdov, rast macesna in razlike v kakovostni strukturi macesnov vzdolž gradienta nadmorske višine 1500-1800 m na Dleskovški planoti v Kamniško-Savinjskih Alpah. Postavili smo 20 raziskovalnih ploskev, velikosti 20 x 20 m. Izvedli smo polno premerbo sestojev, popisali pomladek, vrisali vidne zunanje napake debla ter odvzeli po dva prirastna izvrtka dvema naključno izbranima macesnoma na ploskvi. Izdelali smo lokalne kronologije in matematično prikazali debelinsko priraščanje z rastno funkcijo glede na nadmorsko višino in mešanost sestojev ter analizirali vplive podnebnih sprememb na debelinsko rast macesnov. Kakovostno strukturo smo določali glede na Pravilnik o merjenju in razvrščanju gozdnih lesnih sortimentov iz gozdov v lasti Republike Slovenije (2017). Vzdolž naraščajočega gradienta nadmorske višine smo ugotovili zmanjševanje vrednosti večine sestojnih parametrov in povečevanje raznomernosti sestojev. Macesni so najhitreje priraščali na najnižje ležečih ploskvah, kjer smo ugotovili tudi zelo zgodnjo kulminacijo debelinskih prirastkov. Debelinska rast macesnov je bila večja v mešanih kot v čistih sestojih. Pričakovan vpliv podnebnih sprememb je bil opazen le na lokalni kronologiji macesna na nadmorski višini 1800 m, kjer smo v zadnjem stoletju ugotovili trend konstantnega naraščanja širine branik. V sortimentni strukturi macesnov je bila ugotovljena prevlada gozdno lesnega sortimenta razreda C (16,2 %) in statistično značilen upad deležev posameznih kakovostnih razredov z nadmorsko višino. Zaključujemo, da nadmorska višina vpliva na zgradbo macesnovih sestojev, da debelinsko priraščanje macesna z nadmorsko višino upada ter da je vpliv podnebnih sprememb preko povečevanja prirastkov najbolj opazen na najvišjih nadmorskih višinah pojavljanja macesna.

Keywords:evropski macesen, Larix decidua, zgradba, rast, kakovost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Fricelj]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136238 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*2+630*5+630*1Larix decidua(043.2)=163.6
COBISS.SI-ID:105515011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.04.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Structure and growth of European larch forest stands in the Alps
European larch presents one of the key tree species of high-altitude forests in the Alps. We studied the structure of larch forests, the growth of larch and the differences in the quality structure of larch along an altitudinal gradient of 1500-1800 m on the Dleskovška planota in the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. We set up 20 research plots of 20 x 20 m in size. We carried out a full callipering of stands, inventoried regeneration, surveyed visible external defects of the trunk, and took two cores from two randomly selected larch trees in each plot. In relation to elevation and stand mixture, local chronologies were calculated and larch diameter growth was represented by growth functions. In addition, the impact of climate change on diameter growth of larch trees was evaluated. The assortment structure of timber was determined according to the Rules on Measurement and Classification of Forest Wood Assortments (2017). Along the increasing elevation gradient, there was a decrease in the values of most stand parameters and an increase in stand heterogeneity. Larch was growing the fastest in diameter at the lowest-lying plots, where we also found a very early culmination of diameter increments. Radial growth of larch was found to be greater in mixed than in pure stands. The expected impact of climate change was observed only with the larch local chronology at 1800 m, where a constant increase in the tree ring width was detected over the last century. In the assortment structure, there was a predominance of the C-grade assortment class (16.2%) and a statistically significant decrease of proportions of all assortment classes with elevation was determined. We conclude that elevation influences the structure of larch stands, diameter increment decreases with increasing elevation, and climate change seems to have the expected impact on increasing diameter increments only at the highest altitudes of larch occurrence.

Keywords:European Larch, Larix decidua, structure, growth, quality

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