
Quality evaluation of 3D heritage monument models derived from images obtained with different low-cost unmanned aerial vehicles
ID Mulahusić, Admir (Author), ID Gajski, Dubravko (Author), ID Tuno, Nedim (Author), ID Topoljak, Jusuf (Author), ID Đidelija, Muamer (Author), ID Ćatić, Jasmin (Author), ID Kogoj, Dušan (Author)

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This paper describes the preparation of documentation of a part of the cultural and historical heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the famous chapel on the Orthodox cemetery ‘Holy Archangels George and Gabriel’ located in Sarajevo, by the method of UAV photogrammetry. Two aircrafts (semi-professional and amateur) DJI Phantom 4 Pro and DJI Mavic Pro were used, and 3D models were made based on the photos taken. The quality of chapel 3D models was evaluated by estimating the geometrical accuracy, with different aspects and combinations. The obtained absolute 3D accuracy of the high-resolution model is 14 mm, while the relative accuracy is 9 mm.

Keywords:UAV, photogrammetry, cultural heritage, Phantom, Mavic, 3D model, accuracy
Work type:Article
Typology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:13.04.2022
Number of pages:Str. 7-23
Numbering:Vol. 76(99), no. 1
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136230 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0016-710X
COBISS.SI-ID:104968963 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.04.2022
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Geodetski list. glasilo Hrvatskoga geodetskog društva
Shortened title:Geod. list
Publisher:Hrvatsko geodetsko društvo
COBISS.SI-ID:15394 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Title:Ocena kakovosti 3D modela spomenika kulturnozgodovinske dediščine izdelanih na osnovi snemanja z različnimi nizkocenovnimi brezpilotnimi letalniki
Delo opisuje pripravo dokumentacije dela kilturno zgodovinske dediščine Bosne in Hercegovine, to je znane kapele na pravoslavnem pokopališču "Sveti arhanđeli Georgije in Gavrilo" v Sarajevu z metodo UAV fotogrametrije. Uporablena sta bila dva letalnika (polprofesionalni in amaterski) DJI Phantom 4 Pro in DJI Mavic Pro. Na osnovi pridobljenih fotografij so bili izdelani 3D modeli snemanega objekta. Parametri kakovosti 3D modela kapele so pridobljeni na osnovi ocehne geometrijske točnosti iz različnih aspektov in kombinacij. Dobljena absolutna točnost modela visoke ločljivosti je 14 mm, relativna točnost pa 9 mm.

Keywords:UAV, fotogrametrija, kulturna dediščina, Phantom, Mavic, 3D model, točnost

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