
Vključevanje in vpliv embalaže v oglaševanju kozmetičnih izdelkov
ID Jakun, Anja (Author), ID Gregor Svetec, Diana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Danes si dan brez uporabe družbenih omrežij zelo težko predstavljamo. Zaradi svoje razširjenosti so socialna omrežja postala osrednji kanal oglaševanja. Po tem se ravna tudi kozmetična industrija. V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali, kakšen vpliv imajo različne vrste embalaže na ciljno publiko in kolikokrat je posamezna vrsta embalaže vključena v oglasih. Predvsem nas je zanimalo, kateri oglasi publiko najbolj pritegnejo (in zakaj) in kakšno je mnenje oglaševalcev in oblikovalcev na izbrane oglase – primerjano z njihovo vsakodnevno prakso. V namen raziskovanja smo poiskali nekaj različnih oglasov in jim zaradi kupne moči odstranili blagovno znamko. Raziskovali smo na dva načina, z anketnim vprašalnikom za širšo publiko, s katerim smo analizirali, kateri oglasi so bolj privlačni in ali je pomembna tudi sekundarna embalaža. Drugi način raziskovanja predstavlja anketni vprašalnik za oblikovalce in oglaševalce. Ta je vseboval enaka vprašanja, le da smo se z vsakim vprašanim o vprašanju tudi pogovorili in ga širše utemeljili. Končali smo s smernicami, na kakšen način in kdaj je primerno na oglas umestiti katero embalažo.

Keywords:embalaža, oglas, kozmetični izdelki, anketa
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.04.2022
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Title:Inclusion and impact of packaging in the advertising of cosmetic products
Today, it is pretty challenging to imagine a day without social networks. Thanks to their widespread use, social networks have become a central advertising channel. The cosmetics industry is also following suit. In the diploma thesis, we researched the impact of different types of packaging on the audience and how often each type of packaging is included in advertisements. In particular, we were interested in which ads attract the audience the most (and why) and the opinions of advertisers and designers on selected ads - compared to their daily practice. We used several different ads for the research and removed their brands due to their purchasing power. We researched two ways: with a survey questionnaire for a broader audience to analyze which ads are more attractive and whether secondary packaging is also essential. Another way of research is a survey questionnaire for designers and advertisers. This one contained the same questions, but we also discussed the issue with each respondent and substantiated it more broadly. We concluded with guidelines on how and when to place which packaging on the ad.

Keywords:packaging, advertisement, cosmetics, survey

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