
Zgodba v komercialni fotografiji
ID Skrt, Miha (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge z naslovom Zgodba v komercialni fotografiji je ustvariti serijo komercialnih fotografij, ki na pripoveden način sporočajo vizijo in poslanstvo izbrane blagovne znamke. Osredotočili smo se na kolesarsko industrijo in se v ta namen povezali z realnim naročnikom na slovenskem trgu. Izbrali smo podjetje Berk Composites, ki izdeluje ultralahke kolesarske komponente, znani pa so predvsem po svojih kolesarskih sedežih izdelanih iz karbonskih vlaken. Najprej smo spoznali različna področja, ki jih komercialna fotografija pokriva, ter zakaj nekatere blagovne znamke v oglaševanju uporabljajo zgodbe, kar smo tudi podkrepili s primerom dobre prakse po vzoru podjetja Rapha. Ker je fotografija tesno povezana s svetlobo, smo prav tako obravnavali osvetlitev, osnovne lastnosti svetlobe in svetlobne vire, ki se uporabljajo v industriji. Skupaj z izbranim podjetjem smo nato pripravili plan dela in začrtali smernice za ustvarjanje fotografske zgodbe. Serija fotografij ni produktno usmerjena, ampak je produkt vključen zgolj kot vezni element, ki predstavlja rdečo nit in pripoveduje zgodbo. Med fotografiranjem smo se osredotočili izključno na kolesarske sedeže, razdelili pa smo ga na dva dela; v prvem smo prikazali izdelavo sedeža, v drugem pa uporabo produkta med kolesarjenjem. Pri delu smo uporabljali vso potrebno fotografsko opremo, bliskavice, svetlobne modifikatorje ter tako znanje iz teoretičnega dela uporabili tudi v praktičnem delu. Izdelali smo analizo celotnega procesa obdelave fotografij, ki zajema vse korake v postprodukciji. Končni rezultat diplomskega dela je serija izbranih šestnajstih fotografij, ki jih naročnik lahko uporabi za lastne promocijske namene.

Keywords:fotografija, fotografska zgodba, osvetljevanje, oglaševanje, kolesarski sedež
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136210 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.04.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Storytelling in commercial photography
The purpose of the diploma thesis entitled Storytelling in commercial photography is to create a series of commercial photographs that represents the vision and mission of the chosen brand in a narrative way. We have focused on the cycling industry and connected with a real client on the Slovene market. We chose the company Berk Composites, which manufactures ultra-light cycling components and is best known for its carbon fiber cycling saddles. We first learned about the different fields covered by commercial photography and the reason why some brands use stories in their advertising, which we also supported with an example of good practice from the brand Rapha. Photography is closely connected with light, therefore we also described lighting, the basic characteristics of lighting and light sources that are used in today's industry. Together with the chosen company, we prepared the work plan and outlined guidelines for creating a photographic story. The series of photographs is not product-oriented, the product only serves as a connecting element and represents the main object which tells the story. During the photo shoot, we focused exclusively on cycling seats. We've divided the executive part into two parts: in the first one we showed the production of the saddle and in the second we showed the use of the product during cycling activity. We have used all the necessary photographic equipment, flashes, light modifiers and the knowledge gained from the theoretical part in the practical part. We have also created a detailed description of the entire photo editing process, covering all the steps in the post-production. The final result of the diploma thesis is a series of sixteen chosen photographs, which our client can use for their own promotional purposes.

Keywords:photography, photo story, lighting, advertising, cycling saddle

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