
Nezavedno in primitivno človeško delovanje / Ko-lapsus
ID Dvorščak, Patrik (Author), ID Berlot Pompe, Uršula (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kariž, Žiga (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Čerče, Ksenija (Comentor)

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S svojo temo v magistrskem delu skušam pokazati na globine banalnosti, puste vsakdanjosti, plehkosti, kamor strmoglavlja kultura, pa tudi na spremembe in globalizacijo v času, v katerem živimo, in za katero menim, da jo v prvi vrsti povzroča hiperpopulacija. V teoretičnem delu skozi različna področja antropologije, psihologije, psihoanalize in strukturalizma raziskujem, v kolikšni meri je kolaps civilizacij posredno nameren. Zdi se, da se znova in znova znajdemo v nekem ponavljajočem se vzorcu samodestruktivnosti, kot da bi se tu vrinjal manko ali nezavedno, nezmožnost uzaveščenja dejanj, ki se skriva v samem jedru ambivalentnosti. Pri praktičnem delu magistrskega dela predstavljam serijo slik, s katerimi se poskušam dotikati obravnavane teme. Z osrednjim motivom na slikah (to so množice ljudi), nezavednimi psihološkimi scenariji, razvratom genitalnih podob, dominacijo človeštva nad stvarmi, živalmi in drugimi problemi, obravnavanimi v teoretičnem delu, poskušam dobiti občutek namerne destruktivnosti človeštva.

Keywords:slikarstvo primitivizem globalni propad nezavedno Primitivna misel ambivalenca Figurativno slikarstvo Magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136205 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.04.2022
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Title:Unconscious and primitive human commotion / Co-lapsus
With my master's thesis, I try to point out the depths of banality, lean superficiality of everyday life, where culture is about to topple, as well as changes and globalization in the time we live in and which I believe is primarily caused by hyperpopulation. In my theoretical work, through various fields of anthropology, psychology, psychoanalysis and structuralism, I explore the extent to which the collapse of civilizations is indirectly intentional. We seem to find ourselves again and again in some recurring pattern of self-destructiveness, as if a lack (manque) or unconsciousness interferes, an inability to become aware of actions, lurking in the very core of human ambivalence. In the practical part of the master's thesis, I make a series of pictures with which I try to touch on the topic. With the central motif in the paintings (i.e. masses of people), unconscious psychological scenarios, debauchery of genital images, domination of humanity over things, animals and other problems addressed in theoretical work, I try to conquer the sense of deliberate destructiveness of humanity.

Keywords:painting primitivism global collapse The subconscious Primitive thought ambivalence Figurative painting MA thesis

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