
Nova pravna ureditev kriptoimetij na ravni Evropske Unije
ID Mušič Kralj, Tim (Author)

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Kriptoimetja, ki temeljijo na podlagi tehnologije veriženja podatkovnih blokov in so ena najpomembnejših vrst uporabe te tehnologije, so v finančnih krogih zadnjih nekaj let osrednja tema pogovora, predvsem zaradi njihovega velikega povečanja tržne kapitalizacije. Kljub številnim prednostim nasproti ostalim finančnim inštrumentom, predstavljajo kriptoimetja tudi nova tveganja, ki spodbujajo k sprejetju nove pravne regulacije, česar se dobro zaveda tudi Evropska unija. Sveženj o digitalnih financah vključuje novo strategijo za digitalne finance v finančnem sektorju EU, s ciljema zagotoviti sprejem in spodbujanje digitalne revolucije ter poskrbeti, da bodo koristi digitalne revolucije na voljo tako evropskim podjetjem kot tudi potrošnikom. Eno bistvenih področij omenjene strategije je zagotoviti, da bo regulativni okvir za digitalne finance prijazen inovacijam in ne bo oviral uporabe te nove tehnologije. Prvi konkretni ukrep na tem področju predstavlja Predlog Uredbe o trgih kriptoimetij in spremembi direktive (EU) 2019/1937. Pri širokem področju strategije digitalnih financ se magistrsko delo osredotoča na kriptometja in na zgoraj omenjeni Predlog, ki kriptoimetja ureja. Uvodoma kratko predstavljeno zgodovino kriptometij in tehnologijo veriženja podatkovnih blokov nadaljuje predstavitev ozadja dogajanja, ki je vodilo do nastanka Predloga, osrednji del besedila pa predstavljata vsebinski pregled in analiza te nove pravne ureditve. Magistrsko delo se zaključi s pregledom pomembnejših mnenj in kritik, ki jih je prejel predlog od dneva izdaje, 24. septembra 2020.

Keywords:Kriptoimetja, tehnologija veriženja podatkovnih blokov, nova pravna ureditev na področju Evropske Unije, Predlog Uredbe o trgih kriptoimetij in spremembi direktive (EU) 2019/1937, izdajatelji kriptoimetij, ponudniki storitev v zvezi s kriptoimetji.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136202 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:111045123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.04.2022
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Title:New legal regulation of crypto assets at the level of the European Union
Cryptocurrencies, which are based on blockchain technology and are one of the most important uses of this technology, have been a central topic of discussion in financial circles over the past few years, mainly due to their large increase in market capitalization. Despite its many advantages over other financial instruments, cryptocurrencies also pose new risks that encourage the adoption of new legal regulations, which the European Union is well aware of. The Digital Finance Package includes a new strategy for digital finance in the EU financial sector, with the aim of ensuring the adoption and promotion of the digital revolution and making the benefits of the digital revolution available to both European businesses and consumers. One of the key areas of this strategy is to ensure that the regulatory framework for digital finance is innovation-friendly and does not hamper the use of this new technology. The first concrete action in this area is the Proposal for a Regulation on Markets in Crypto-assets, and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937. In the broad field of the digital finance strategy, the master's thesis focuses on cryptocurrencies and the above-mentioned Proposal governing cryptocurrencies. The history of cryptometry and data blockchain technology, presented briefly at the beginning, is continued by the presentation of the background of the events that led to the creation of the Proposal, the central part of the text is a review and analysis of this new legal regulation. The Master's thesis concludes with a review of the major opinions and criticisms received by the proposal since its release on 24 September 2020.

Keywords:Crypto-assets, blockchain technology, new regulation in the European Union, Proposal for a Regulation on Markets in Crypto-assets, and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937, crypto-asset issuers, crypto-asset service providers.

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